The noise of household appliances is no less than that of traffic and construction

50% of the hearing damage is not caused by serious noise, but the chronic damage caused by the "small noise" lurking around!

Washing machine, boiling water, air conditioning and other small noise at home do not get used to, try to avoid, and learn to reduce noise cleverly.

People's normal hearing is 0-25 decibels, and gradually declines from the age of 60. When the auditory nerve is damaged at a young age, it is likely that hearing loss will occur around the age of 40. The clinic found that many people in their 30s and 40s were already declining, a decade or two ahead of schedule.

And these hearing are at home under the influence of small and medium noise, unconsciously lost.

There are a lot of noise sources hidden in the home, in addition to the sound of POTS and pans, there are air conditioning refrigerator compressor, fan computer wind blade rotation, washing machine, TV and other sounds. According to the standard, indoor noise should not exceed 45 decibels.

Washing machine at high speed 84 decibels

Hair dryer at 80 decibels

Range hood up to 77 decibels

Boil the kettle at 69 decibels

The exhaust fan runs 55 dB

Cabinet air conditioner starts at 55 dB

Wall-mounted air conditioner starts at 50 dB

The water dispenser is heated at 50 decibels

The main computer runs at 49 decibels

1 decibel is the sound that the human ear can just hear; Below 15 decibels, we often describe as "silence"; 20-40 decibels, just like the whispers in the ears of lovers; 40-60 decibels, the sound of normal conversation; Above 60 decibels, you will feel noisy; 70 decibels, equivalent to walking down a downtown street; 90 decibels, like being in a noisy bar; 100 decibels, is the sound of your upstairs decoration drill; 120 decibels, equivalent to a plane taking off.

When the sound is 50-60 decibels, the ear feels more comfortable. 60 decibels is the sound of normal conversation without feeling tired. When the noise exceeds 60 decibels, you feel upset; If you are exposed to more than 85 decibels for more than eight hours, the ear will develop acoustic damage.

Hearing loss has a slow decline process, will first start from the high-frequency sound can not be heard, and then will be tinnitus. Normal people's hearing in 0-25 decibels, lost within 30 decibels, generally there is no obvious feeling, which is also a slight decline in hearing will not cause people to pay attention to the reason. But slowly it will develop to the point where you can't even hear the sounds of everyday conversation, and then it will be too late to see a doctor.

Here is a simple self-test method to tell you: When playing a piece of beautiful music, the musical sense heard is not as strong as before, or the lyrics are not complete, some high-pitched parts of the lyrics can not be heard, and you will go to the hospital.

To "noise reduction" at home, household appliances should not be concentrated in a room, in addition to regular maintenance and dust removal, and replaced in time after the number of years.

When decorating, the home uses "soft packaging", such as using wallpaper, thick cotton curtains, carpets, sofas with fabric, and the walls can be rough treated, which can absorb sound and sound insulation.

In addition, more green plants at the window, especially broad leaf green plants with large volume and many leaves, not only has a strong sound absorption effect, but also can block dust and purify the air.

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