Picking your ears can cause hearing damage

Childhood is a critical period of auditory speech development, if the hearing suddenly decreases, it is often an emergency, the earlier the discovery, the greater the likelihood of recovery. Young people should avoid long-term continuous noise stimulation, and wear headphones to observe two principles: the time should not exceed 60 minutes; The volume should not exceed 50% of the volume control.

Trauma infection and other factors may cause deafness

The ear is an important organ to feel the sounds of the outside world. The structure of the ear is divided into three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear receives external sounds and causes the tympanic membrane to vibrate along the ear canal.

The vibrations in the middle eardrum cause the three small bones -- the malleus, incus, and stapes -- to vibrate up and down, transmitting the sound to the inner ear, which produces nerve impulses that are converted from nerves to nerve energy, and from there, the sound information is transmitted to the brain.

Different from adults, childhood is a critical period of auditory speech development, and hearing impairment may greatly lead to children's speech development disorders and affect their emotional, psychological and social communication and other abilities to develop, causing a heavy burden on the family and society.

The main reasons for deafness in children and adults are different, the former is congenital sensorineural deafness, while the latter is mainly caused by otitis media. Due to genetics, improper use of drugs, trauma, infection and other factors can cause deafness.

Adenoid hypertrophy leads to hearing loss

It is known that acquired factors cause congenital hearing defects, and there are many reasons. The use of ototoxic drugs, if the child is genetically defective and sensitive to such drugs, can cause hair cell necrosis.

Another example is vestibular aqueduct enlargement, children due to external force caused by aqueduct flow limitation function loss, lymphatic reflux, will cause hearing hair cell poisoning deafness.

In addition, children's common otitis media can also cause hearing loss.

Otitis media is the main cause of hearing impairment.

Due to the unique anatomical characteristics of children, the eustaping tube is short, flat and wide, and bacteria and viruses are easy to invade, resulting in otitis media. Repeated attacks cause hearing impairment, and then affect language development.

Nowadays, indirect tinnitus is becoming more common. Tinnitus is actually a process of ischemia in the inner ear and is also a disease.

However, there are many reasons for this disease, some because of high blood pressure, diabetes caused by nervous tinnitus, some physiological tinnitus, some is caused by external noise.

What is strange is that, without any pain or irritation, intermittent tinnitus often occurs.

Severe tinnitus can not only affect quality of life, but also cause depression, irritability, and even suicide.

Affected by the external environment and internal factors, the occasional tinnitus is normal and can be optimistically "peaceful" with it, but if there is a period of tinnitus, seriously affecting the quality of life, it must be timely medical treatment.

At present, for the treatment of tinnitus, do not think that deaf people can not hear anything, in fact, their ears will emit sound, so if you want to let them sleep at ease or reduce the negative emotions brought by tinnitus, you can use an external sound to cover the sound of the ear.

Adenoid hypertrophy, tonsil hypertrophy and other reasons can also lead to hearing loss, runny nose, snoring, open mouth breathing and other signs.

If the above symptoms are found, you need to go to the hospital for diagnosis, treatment depending on the extent of the disease, if conservative treatment does not work, then surgery.

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