Keep up with The Times/Provide scientific and clinical evidence to bring Chinese medicine to the world

The culture of Chinese medicine has a long history. Professor Feng Yibin, Dean of the School of Chinese Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, described Chinese medicine as an important resource for modern medicine.

Modern scientific evidence should be used to promote the cooperation between Chinese and Western medicine, the modernization and internationalization of Chinese medicine, and academic research institutions can provide scientific and clinical evidence for the promotion of Chinese medicine to the world.

Born into a family of medics, Feng lived in the countryside for two years after graduating from high school. In the rural areas where doctors were scarce, the Chinese medicine treatment taught by his parents came in handy and made him want to become a doctor.

After graduating from Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, he practiced medicine. He went to Japan to study pharmacology and immunology of Chinese medicine. After that, he began to study medicine, teaching and research in Hong Kong. Now he focuses on the research of TCM prevention and treatment of tumor and metabolic diseases. He once outlined his academic career this way: "Studying traditional Chinese medicine in the mainland, being exposed to modern studies in Japan, and combining the two in Hong Kong."

He said that Chinese medicine is an important resource for modern medicine. According to the census conducted in the 1990s, there were 12,807 Chinese herbal medicines recorded,

Among them, there are more than 11,000 kinds of plant drugs, more than 1,500 kinds of animal drugs, more than 80 kinds of mineral drugs, and more than 30,000 kinds of monomer chemicals extracted from traditional Chinese medicine, of which artemisinin and arsenic trioxide are currently used in first-line treatment, "our ancestors left behind is not only the accumulation of thousands of years of experience, but also a treasure house that can be reused."

Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect in the treatment of complex diseases, but the material basis of treatment and the mechanism of drug action are unclear, Feng Yibin believes that in order to make traditional Chinese medicine to the world, we must combine traditional Chinese medicine theory and advanced science and technology to study and inherit the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, so as to modernize it.

Mr Fung pointed out that Hong Kong has a strong ability in basic scientific research and has advantages in clarifying the material basis, pharmacology and action targets of Chinese medicine, and academic research institutions,

especially Chinese medicine schools of universities, are a complex of education, medical treatment and research, which can provide scientific and clinical evidence for the promotion of Chinese medicine to the world.

For example, academic research institutions can use a variety of advanced instruments and equipment to carry out research on the separation and purification of the effective components of traditional Chinese medicine, structural analysis, and other studies to clarify the medicinal components of traditional Chinese medicine; Through various clinical studies, evidence-based medicine evidence was obtained.

He stressed that traditional Chinese medicine, like Western medicine, should keep pace with The Times, "not only inheriting the essence of traditional Chinese medicine of the past 2,000 years, but also modernizing it to make the science of traditional Chinese medicine more recognized and open to the world."

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