Scientific prevention and control of the epidemic

It is necessary to closely follow changes in the prevention and control situation, promptly analyze and act, and promptly adjust and improve prevention and control measures in light of new situations and problems.

It is necessary to improve the work process of prevention and control, and do a good job in monitoring, screening, early warning, and patient treatment, so as to ensure early detection, reporting,

isolation and treatment. We should be good at using big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technical means to provide solid support for studying and judging the situation and scientific decision-making.

It is necessary to make scientific planning and overall arrangements, do a good job of epidemic prevention and control for return trips and return to work, orderly resumption of work and production, and earnestly maintain normal economic and social order.

To defeat the epidemic with the power of science, we also need to cultivate a scientific and rational social mentality. In the face of the epidemic, maintaining a healthy attitude is crucial.

Everyone is the protagonist of epidemic prevention and control, and we should not be relaxed or panicked. We should believe in science, strengthen confidence, and take a highly responsible approach to scientific protection for individuals and families.

It is necessary to intensify the popularization of health protection knowledge, advocate civilized health habits, and improve the public's awareness and capacity for prevention. It is necessary to strengthen psychological intervention and counseling,

do a good job of disclosing information about the epidemic, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, effectively solve doubts and doubts, and enhance social confidence.

By maintaining rational optimism and forming good habits, everyone can build a solid defense line against the disease and contribute to winning the battle against the epidemic.

Scientific prevention and control of the epidemic

The prevention and control of COVID-19 is the most important task at present. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Science is a weapon for us to win the battle against the epidemic. We must not only strengthen scientific research, but also adhere to a scientific attitude, establish a scientific spirit and adopt scientific methods.

To prevent and control the epidemic scientifically, we must give top priority to controlling the epidemic, try our best to contain the epidemic to a minimum, and resolutely stop the spread of the epidemic.

China's historical experience in the prevention and control of infectious diseases and new public health emergencies shows that it is crucial to resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic. Winning the battle against COVID-19 is a systematic project, and the important task now is to contain the epidemic as soon as possible and curb its spread.

Timely release of epidemic information and keeping information open and transparent is an important part of scientific epidemic prevention and control. This is because only when the relevant government departments and the public understand the actual situation of the disease epidemic,

can the corresponding prevention and control measures be taken as early as possible to control the epidemic in a minimum range. If the epidemic information is not open and transparent, it will easily cause the large-scale spread of the epidemic.

A meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on January 25 stressed that "timely, accurate, open and transparent information on the epidemic should be released to respond to concerns at home and abroad."

History and reality have proved time and again that timely disclosure and sharing of epidemic data is conducive to concerted efforts of all parties in epidemic prevention and control. In order to win the battle against the epidemic, those who hide or lie about the epidemic should be held accountable.

Scientific prevention and control of the epidemic should be carried out in a scientific spirit and in accordance with scientific laws. It is necessary to strengthen scientific research, scientifically demonstrate the source of the virus,

identify the source of infection and transmission routes as soon as possible, closely track the mutation of the virus, timely study prevention and control strategies and measures, and pay attention to the combination of scientific research with clinical practice and prevention and control practices.

In particular, we will strengthen the research and development of effective drugs and vaccines, because vaccines are of great significance for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, such as vaccinia vaccine,

polio vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine and measles vaccine, which have played a key role in the eradication or control of related infectious diseases. However, it is also necessary to realize that vaccine research and development is not a matter that can be achieved overnight,

and it needs to go through a period of scientific research. In this regard, we must act in accordance with scientific laws and cannot rush to achieve results.

Vaccines that are not produced in accordance with scientific requirements will not only fail to prevent disease, but may also have serious adverse consequences. But the absence of a vaccine does not mean that it cannot be prevented.

Although viruses have long been isolated for some infectious diseases, vaccines have not yet been developed. In fact, by strictly managing the source of infection, cutting off transmission routes, and protecting vulnerable people, the outbreak can be controlled even without a vaccine.

Although there is no vaccine yet, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and with the active participation of medical staff, disease control personnel and the general public, we will surely overcome it.

In order to carry out the scientific spirit throughout the epidemic prevention and control work, it is necessary for researchers to actively answer questions and doubts for the public, promote the scientific spirit in the whole society, cultivate the scientific literacy of the public, and let people face the epidemic scientifically and rationally.

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