Sailors of the Columbian fleet: Food, gold, native beauties, colonization must be enjoyed

The advent of the great age of navigation in Europe was often not a peaceful and friendly exchange. The greed in the bones of the European colonists made the original intention of colonizing the newly conquered lands bloody and cruel. Even in the cloak of civilization, they can't hide their inner greed and robber logic.

In particular, the disorderly expansion and predatory behavior of the first pioneers did not play a good leading role. On the contrary, the exchange between the two civilizations evolved into a duel between civilizations, in which the European colonists, who occupied the advantage of force and civilization generation difference, became the final victor.

On the contrary, the native advantage of Indian civilization is facing the disaster of extinction, becoming an unprecedented disaster for mankind. The primitive accumulation of European capital was based on the brutal exploitation of local indigenous blood. This must be said to be an irony, but also a wild growth of barbaric civilization.

Even though the final victory was the conquest of the American continent by European colonists, the process was not smooth. In the barbaric conquest of civilization, it also faces the counterattack of the conquered nations. Columbus, the pioneer of navigation in European civilization, faced this kind of impact in the process of discovering new routes.

When Columbus established his first colony and left behind a certain number of people, it was out of control. Leading to destruction after extreme enjoyment, the counterattack of the oppressed nations made Columbus's first experiment a failure. The reason why such a first attempt failed is related to the death behavior of the remaining colonists.

Columbus's layout was violated by the colonists left behind

Columbus was the pioneer of the first batch of European navigators, and through his own efforts, he finally found the stronghold of the New World. For this reason, he has achieved his own life achievement, but behind the achievement is often the double suffering of failure and crisis. When he led the fleet to Haiti, he first explored the local scenery and people, and found that he had a great advantage.

To this end, initial contacts were initiated, using their strong military advantage to appease the local indigenous tribes by means of fair trade. Build your own heel and make money from it. However, his own strength was not enough to completely conquer the region, so he consolidated the offensive and defensive alliance of the two sides by buying and strengthening their ties with each other.

Make Allies with nearby tribes and help the colonists establish their first settlement. And this stronghold was Navidad, which began its initial colonial exploration. In fact, at that time, the colonists did not have their own mature plan for the colonization of indigenous civilization. It is also in the step by step exploration to see how to choose the best way to colonize.

Its ultimate goal is to provide more convenient conditions for its own plunder of wealth. The first step is to occupy the colonial stronghold, the second step is to form a local army of servants, the third step is to establish their own colonial rule order, and the fourth step is to permanently colonize the financial resources. It's just that this all requires exploration, and their own strength is limited.

To this end, we can only first secure our stronghold, then return to our home country to seek strength and support, and then plot the whole new continent step by step. Because through contact and understanding, it is clear that the local civilization is backward, even there is no iron, the civilization generation is serious, and there is a certain strength to complete the conquest of colonial rule.

However, his own strength must be limited, so after leaving 39 garrison forces, he began to return to his home country to ask for help. But perhaps he did not expect that these left-behind personnel would die like this. Instead of acting in accordance with their own orders, they undermined alliances and engaged in forcible plunder.

They exploited not only allied tribes but also distant ones for their own enjoyment. Contrary to the idea of Columbus at that time, he began to let himself go without knowing all the facts of the place. Originally, Columbus wanted to build a perfect stronghold of self-sufficiency, gradually encroaching, orderly management, and eventually conquer the place in one step.

But the leader of the remaining men, Columbus's cousin, had no power to restrain their behavior. Finally, with their own firearms and armor advantages, began to slowly indulge. They ate their own seeds instead of planting them, and even began to plunder the resources of their Allies. Food is taken, gold is taken, and even beautiful women are forcibly taken.

The result of a binge is a murderous act

This free trade allowed the colonists to obtain huge wealth, materials, and even beautiful women resources to satisfy their animal desires. And for the identity of beauty completely disregard, rely on their own force began to bully. In particular, the invaded tribes were backward, unable to resist the predation of the colonists, and finally could only yield to the horrid power of the colonists.

But this behavior only encouraged the colonists' ambitions and began to be more indulgent. Whether it is the wife of a tribal chief, or the daughter of a noble woman, they become their targets. As long as it seems that there is no escape from their own looting, and even the killing of the tribe.

As a result, the tribes around the colonists suffered, and the colonists became the local overlords. When the local area could not meet the needs of the colonists, they began to make expeditions to other tribes to accumulate their own wealth, food and beauty reserves. Even because of the unequal distribution of property and beauty broke out.

Indian tribes fighting back and killing

The brutal bloodwashing of the colonists caused the powerful tribes around to fight back, and eventually hunted down the lone colonists. Although the weapons gap is large, but with the advantage of local terrain, all the lone personnel were eventually killed. Even the 10 men who remained in the colonial stronghold were slaughtered. Other affected tribes responded, and eventually the remaining colonists were massacred and exterminated. Columbus' colonial stronghold was destroyed and the first attempt failed.

Conclusion: Colonial plunder is often cruel, in the face of oppression, the conquered tribe must not be willing to be enslaved. This counterattack is only a failure of initial contact and run-in, especially the first batch of left-behind colonists' self-flying enjoyment, crazy looting of food, gold, and beautiful women without lower limits, directly touching the bottom line of local civilization, and finally ushering in crazy retaliation, which is the way to self-destruction.

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