Guangming Daily reporter Dong Bei Guangming Daily correspondent Fan Zixi

Time flies, Tangzha is no longer prosperous, but the ruins of the old time remain intact: Dasheng cotton Factory, Fuxin flour factory, Zi Sheng iron smelting factory, Dada River Steamship Company and other historical buildings have been listed as cultural relics protection units; There are hospitals, theaters, parks, docks, vegetable farms, locks and other full social life and historical landscape... Tangzha became a "living" museum.

In recent years, on the basis of retaining the original style, the local building community has been renovated and new service facilities have been added to create a historical and cultural district.

The old house in Tangjia Lane becomes the Tang Gate Impression Exhibition Hall, opening a window for visitors to understand the Tang Gate; The old workshop built for the employees of the factory to live in, after renovation,

becomes the living culture experience museum, where visitors can "return" to the old time; The original site of the grease factory has been slightly rebuilt into a soap-making culture experience museum, attracting many young people to come to punch...

"After 90" Malaysian tourist Li Zhiming in the ancient town on the first experience of making soap, "I was on the Internet to see Tangzha play guide, come to play, the experience is also very good." 'he said.

Tourists experience making soap in Tangzha ancient town. Photo by Ke Gaoyang, Xinhua News Agency

Literary youth to Tangzha, 1895 cultural and creative industry Park is a must punch the card. This industrial park uses a number of old factory sites to protect and repair, covering a total area of more than 60,000 square meters.

Walking into an old factory at random, you may encounter a wonderful art exhibition, or come to an intangible cultural heritage project experience, visitors can feel the changes of the years and appreciate the charm of culture in the memory.

In the century-old building of Da Da Gong Electric rice milling Company, the reconstructed movable type printing experience Museum has become a popular punching place for tourists.

Taking advantage of the weekend, Ms. Dou, a citizen, took her 6-year-old son to experience movable type printing, which has been replaced by digital printing, starting from finding characters and typesetting. She told reporters that it is possible to understand the development history of Nantong, but also to experience traditional culture, and the children have fun.

As night falls and the lights on both sides of the Tongyang Canal turn on, Tangzha Ancient Town ushered in the most beautiful moment of the day.

The addition of fashion elements such as holographic light and shadow wall and 3D screen effect makes the black brick and black tile of the ancient town and the small bridge flowing water more colorful; Colorful embroidery, Kesi, Guqin performance, Han costume and other night tour activities, let visitors immerse in the town's ancient charm.

Inherited in protection and developed in innovation, Tangzha Ancient Town, which has been low-key for nearly a hundred years, has ushered in a new life and glowed with bright eyes."National rhyme" long, national tide into a boom

Guangming Daily reporter Dong Bei Guangming Daily correspondent Fan Zixi

Beautifully designed Cloisonne decoration, lovely and fashionable Chinese style handicraft, unique flavor of Chinese tea... Recently, many domestic "fashionable products" gathered to appear at the fourth China International Consumer Goods Expo.

These fashionable products, which integrate traditional Chinese culture and modern creative design, attracted attention at the Consumer Expo and set off a "national hot tide".

Domestic "fashion products" represent the combination of tradition and innovation, carrying people's yearning for a better life, leading a new consumption trend. This year's "Government Work Report" proposed to actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as smart home, entertainment and tourism, sports events, and domestic "fashionable goods".

Why are domestic products popular with consumers? Where is the "tide" of domestic goods? Under the new trend of consumption, how to achieve long-term development of domestic goods? The reporter conducted a research interview.

"National wind" blowing strong consumption boom to show cultural confidence

Recently, Sun Yanyan from Anhui province posted a group of photos in the circle of friends wearing a new Chinese button top and a horse skirt to card in the Temple of Heaven Hall of Prayer for Good years,

just a few minutes received a lot of likes, many friends in the comment section to ask for the same horse skirt link. Last year, "into the pit" national style "new Chinese" she has started several improved Hanfu,

"holiday parties and travel, I will generally wear such new Chinese clothing, especially to the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven such Chinese ancient architectural attractions card photo, both elegant and good-looking and formal solemn." Sun Yanyan said.

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