I'm 60 years old with silver hair, and I'm still stylish

From street girls with blue hair, dancers who love to fold, unisex girls or couples who love the style of the 70s, we can learn a lot about the essence of French dressing in just one issue through the insights of our guests.

So who is this man to take us through the fashions of Paris? Sophie Fontanel is our protagonist today.

Born and raised in Paris, she is a former news editor and now describes herself as a fashion critic, writer and influential fashion blogger.

While many young people suffer from age anxiety, this silver-haired woman feels that life is just beginning.

Her daily updates of selfies in front of the mirror, showing off her outfits, no P no fix, straight out of the picture, her own style of dressing, and that kind of comfortable elegance, has earned her 270,000 followers on Instagram.

Her slightly exaggerated Pose and unrestricted dressing style make her daily sharing full of infinite charm and confidence.

Were it not for her trademark silver hair, it would be hard to believe that this young looking woman was in her late sixties.

If you take a look at her daily sharing, you can see why her outfits are so fascinating.

Sophie's daily outfits are always dynamic. Most of her mirror selfies cover her face. Judging from the style alone, it is easy to mistake them for a young person's wardrobe.

Oversized tops, oversized colors, trendy sneakers and oversized pants...... We have taken stock of the fashion trend she has a decline, and even some very bold pieces and colors, quite the meaning of transforming decay into magic.

In fact, not only about age, she believes that people today should not limit themselves to fixed gender things, only based on whether they like to make choices.

It can be seen that her dress is natural and not artificial, wearing ideas are also very advanced, in fact, this is also due to her more than ten years of fashion experience, precipitated the excellent taste and very deep wearing skills, only now four or two dipjin effect.

She also said in the interview: My style is a mix of young people, and the young girls are no different.

At the same time, I am 58 years old, with rich fashion accumulation and precipitation in all aspects. For me, fashion and style are a kind of cumulative neutralization, a constant stacking of what we keep, what we reject, what we change.

Compared with the big names stacked by some fashion bloggers, they have a sense of fashion but also a sense of distance.

Sophie's dressing can be called "everyday", very down-to-earth, and easy to learn.

There is little emphasis on the importance of brands in dress style, preferring those sudden flashes of inspiration where a dress is just a dress rather than a symbol of wealth.

"People always say you can't dress well if you don't have money, but it's the opposite, when you have money you make a €4,000 mistake, when you don't have money you make genius choices with €5," she said in LE STREET STYLE. As long as you like it."

Therefore, it is rare to see her dress with a particularly prominent big LOGO to swear the main position of the brand in the overall dress, those who look ordinary and daily items, the high-level sense produced by matching together is not simple with big luxury goods can be piled up.

She is using her daily collocation to tell us that wealth is not the threshold of fashion, and the public does not need to blindly chase the trend of excessive luxury, and don't let the "fashion" put the cart before the horse. It is enough to keep your own style and choose the right match for yourself every day.

In Sophie's dress, you can always see a single item appearing again and again, but each time there is a different feeling.

In her own way, she makes it clear that the real fun of dressing is there.

Oversized shirts can be worn straight out, giving them a oversized street look with striped pants and sneakers, or tucked into a skirt and oversized square heels for a casual look.

Slightly flared wide-leg pants with the same color shirt, just like any French woman walking leisurely on the streets, can be changed to a black shirt with a standing collar, it is not too much to say that a certain editor who is going to a party.

A black suit with a lapel collar shirt and light beige trousers is vintage and stylish. Change into jeans and small white shoes, and is a very popular Athflow wind, comfortable and a little cool. Or change a pair of cashew flower slacks and a pair of knitted slippers, very much the holiday style advocated in recent years.

In fact, her cloakroom is not as big as everyone imagined, and the number of single items is not too much, and because she integrates her passion for fashion into the thinking of each wear, putting the same dress into a completely different style, the difference collision creates a new vitality of each single item.

The popularity of Sophie Fontanel is not the result of silver-haired fashion and exaggerated watches, but a signal for women to liberate themselves from the gaze of society.

The vitality of women is not only limited to that short young years, each stage will have its own unique charm.

Age has long been a matter of little importance in dressing comfortably and living happily as Sophie does.

Living by honoring your inner voice is not only limited to dressing, but also covers all aspects of life.

The charm of French style lies in the kind of fashion sense that is not deliberately created, and behind this atmosphere is actually a woman's calm about age and life, and never limit themselves to a certain label behind the liberal spirit.

Keeping the inner fullness and the courage to face themselves honestly, this self-acceptance allows them to radiate charm from the inside out at all stages of life, and there is a unique beauty.

As she said on the show: "They're chic because they're chic."

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