Yeon Jin, why is your wardrobe so wonderful

Big bang drama "Dark Glory" two seasons finally ended, men and women step by step, "bullying group" one by one fall, it is too cool to see.

The reason why it can explode, I think it is also that the drama is very dare to shoot and real, the original family, the doctor-patient relationship, school bullying, class exploitation... It is almost a collection of socially sensitive issues that are currently being debated in South Korea.

In addition to the story can play, serve the Tao is also very great. Finally abandoned the excessive whitening and dermabrasion filter, you can see the actor's real skin and fine lines, the texture of the pass. Song Hye-kyo, 40, also contributed more experienced beauty.

There are many characters in the whole drama, although there are only 16 short episodes, but each character is very full. If the first season is just the previous story of revenge, the platoon, then the second season is to break up and kill the four sides.

And everyone's gonna be crazier than last season.

Of course, the most exciting is the peak showdown between the high-IQ female protagonist and the "bully" female two, in addition to the plot, the dress is also commendable.

Lawless bully girls

Piaoyanzhen, the biggest villain of the whole drama, bad into the heart into the lungs, until the evidence is confirmed, the traitor also refused to bow to admit fault.

Her philosophy of life, instead of reflecting on herself, blame others, and no one can PUA her.

Netizens called her the first real anti-spiritual internal friction. You are never wrong, even if you bully your classmates or cheat in marriage. A thousand mistakes, it's someone else's fault first.

Personality crazy, lawless, people wear special arrogant, catch horses, ostentatious.

Standing posture is also the focus, just to that station, is a "street skid" template.

Breaking into people's houses, dressing like the lady of the apartment.

Even sneaking into someone's place in the middle of the night, it's like going to a dinner party, wearing fashion.

Others teach their children to study hard and make progress every day, she taught her daughter from childhood to know high-quality stocks and distinguish what is expensive goods.

Rather than buy one get one free promotion, the classic saying "only full price things really worth buying".

To be fair, despite her bad heart and distorted values, it has to be said that most of Park's outfits are pretty pretty.

Since childhood, the wish is to marry and have children at the most beautiful age, and to have a bright and decent job, she has done it.

Wear on, she also likes to dress up as a socialite with leisure and money in everyone's impression, wearing all kinds of suits. But many of them are inexpensive.

Take this bright orange tweed coat from ZARA. But if she's not as pale as she is, it's hard to pull off.

The biggest difference between her and others is that she loves a variety of exaggerated shoulder pads, patterns, and colors, but because most of them appear in sets, they don't look too messy.

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