Vintage jerseys

Hot and short-lived trends such as the idyllic utopia of COTTAGECORE and the rise and return of hot pink BARBIECORE.

However, the meaning behind these characteristic styles is diluted in the trend, and even covered with completely different meanings.

In the case of BLOKECORE, for many traditional fans, the current crowd wearing BLOKECORE does not have a deep understanding of football culture, accusing the fashion of "trivializing and abusing football culture."

This kind of wearing style with a very obvious formula almost does not require the wearer to think too much about it, and can easily get started with the style pieces.

The blind imitation of these trends is only the pursuit of color styles and trends to a certain extent, and this culture is greatly hyped with only superficial cognition.

With the increasing effect of social media in fashion communication, the iterative speed of "CORE" wear will be faster and faster, and each CORE has a very obvious characteristic boundary.

Just imagine, if we don't think about the subculture and old feelings behind it, just blindly catch up with the fashion, what is the meaning of clothes for us?

Many people lost the direction of their own dress style in the pursuit of the trend, and these styles that became popular and extinguished quickly occupied the expenditure of a certain stage with a high price, and finally became the inventory of the wardrobe that was difficult to appear.

Do you really need to chase every CORE style to be trendy? Of course not.

This is not to say that each emerging CORE is meaningless, but we need to find the information of clothing styles in themselves and in the current era.

The Theory of the Leisure Class argues that the principle of conspicuous waste in clothing is evident in all areas of consumption.

"What is popular at any given time will appeal to everyone. The style is considered beautiful partly because of the comfort it brings in being different from the old style, and partly because of its good reputation."

This "good reputation" is because the identity brought by popular things affects people's tastes to a certain extent, under which everything will be considered appropriate until it is outdated and replaced by new trends.

The popularity of CORE system contains the mainstream aesthetic orientation, but also contains a part of identity.

The popularity of a certain trend is a miniature of the mainstream aesthetic values in the current social and cultural environment, and most people are following this set of rules.

BLOKECORE has become a kind of social currency, just as people continue to show off their clothes on social media.

But what we really like and what style suits us is obviously much more important than chasing trends.

"Our fleeting attachment to the latest is not based on aesthetic reasons. This attachment disappears when our inner beauty has had enough time to do its job and rejects this incomprehensible latest design."

At the same time, the book suggests that the more affluent a society develops in terms of wealth, mobility and range of interpersonal communication, the more the law of conspicuous waste has a say in matters of dress.

The easier it is for beauty to be overtaken by the principle of pecuniary prestige, the faster fashion changes.

By obsessing over trends that quickly rise and then fade, we never find our attitude and the true meaning of fashion, becoming slaves to this fleeting consumption trap.

Therefore, it is difficult to find the place that really belongs to you in the river of fashion.

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