In your opinion, what factors determine the vitality of a Marxist party? Is there a secret to the longevity of Marxist parties?

How do you view the exchanges, similarities and differences between the CPC and other Communist parties in the world?

Alvarez: The Communist Party of China and other Communist parties in the world have ideological similarities, but the essential difference is that the Communist Party of China has made great achievements by looking at itself and the world realistically and firmly implementing its own policies. At present, the CPC maintains good relations with other Communist parties in the world.

Although the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Cuba have different experiences in the establishment of the party, the two parties are similar in that they share the common value of "people-centered", and the two parties have made the same hard work and efforts to improve the well-being of the people and build a better and just society.

In your opinion, what factors determine the vitality of a Marxist party? Is there a secret to the longevity of Marxist parties?

Alvarez: The secret of the permanent vitality and representativeness of Marxist political parties lies in firmly establishing the original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the people, which means that words must be carried out and actions must be carried out. It is easier said than done,

but these are important experiences for Marxist parties to close the relationship between the party and the masses, practice the program propositions and achieve sustainable development.

How do you evaluate the significance of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in world history?

Alvarez: As we celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the glorious achievements China has made on the socialist path under the leadership of the Communist Party of China have given the people of the world hope for the development of human society.

In particular, the recent announcement by the Chinese government that absolute poverty has been eliminated is a great encouragement to the vast number of developing countries.

The journey is long and full of challenges. In recent years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has made great achievements in construction despite the political disturbance of international hostile forces.

In the face of the fact that the CPC is working for the happiness of the Chinese people, the international community is making more and more objective and fair evaluations of China. There are many such examples in China's domestic development.

At the regional and international levels, the development and deepening of the Belt and Road Initiative fully reflects China's determination and actions to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

On the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, what are your expectations and messages for the CPC and the Chinese people?

Alvarez: As a Cuban scholar of China, I have always been filled with admiration for this country. On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I sincerely hope that the Chinese people,

under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, will continue to work hard, build on past achievements and achieve even greater achievements in the great journey of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Strengthen the construction of literature database to prevent scientific research from being intercepted at the source

Literature database has become an information exchange platform to see China from the world and the world from China. China should have more weightier papers and influential journals, and should establish its own world-class authoritative literature database in order to master the right to speak in the future competition of science and technology.

A recent survey by the Entomological Society of China, the Chinese Society of Experimental Animals and other units found that Chinese colleges and universities spend considerable money on purchasing data. In 2019, four universities in the Shanghai region spent more than 30 million yuan to purchase resources, and one of them spent 60 million yuan.

China lacks a complete literature database, which not only requires a large amount of scientific research funds to purchase literature data, but also relies heavily on foreign countries for scientific information, which also brings more uncertain risks to scientific research.

"Nowadays, the literature database has become an information exchange platform to see China from the world and the world from China. China should have more weightier papers and influential journals,

and establish its own world-class authoritative literature database, so that it can have the right to speak in the future competition in science and technology." Said Wang Zefang, a professor at the School of Life Sciences at Tianjin University.

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