What comes to mind when you think of the '20s? Flapper Girls, of course!

What comes to mind when you think of the '20s? Flapper Girls, of course!

The glitzy party season always brings to mind those glitzy party Girls, which brings us back to the glamorous' 20s, when jazz and Charleston were all the rage, and the young, hip and crazy Flapper Girls.

There are many films that depict the '20s and the Flapper Girls, and they all bring us back to that particular jazz era, such as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which is set in 1926.

One of the most memorable is Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby, based on the novel of the same name. In the hands of Francis ScottKey Fitzgerald, you'll find the Flapper Girls authentic and charming.

And, of course, Woody Allen's Magic in the Moonlight, also about southern French high society in the 1920s.

In the rebellious, extravagant '20s, Flapper Girls wore short skirts, and these young girls liked to dance the Charleston to the BixBeiderbecke.

"She's a dreamy eccentric woman, beautiful in a very modern way, they're very Parisian, but also futuristic, simple, and a little bit of makeup in a wild way." They were in stark contrast to the conservative women of the pre-World War I era.

Who are the representatives of the Flapper Girl? Clara Bow was the sexy and seductive heroine of the 1927 film "It". The title of what we now call "It Girl" actually comes from this film, that is to say Clara Bow was the first "It Girl" in history.

Louise Brooks was one of them, but interestingly enough, she was known for playing depraved characters, but she was one of the most sexy and ethereal girls of the silent film period, and teenage girls of the time wanted to imitate her.

The other, which may be the most familiar to us, is Coco Chanel. The 1920s was the era when the masculine trend was prevalent. Chanel used the style of men's wear for reference in women's wear, integrating navy uniforms, sports leisure suits and open-necked shirts into women's wear design, coupled with the birth of the little black dress, which was highly praised by the upper class at that time.

Flapper Girls are typically seen with short hair, cut to suit the trend of girl boys. The term comes from the 1922 novel "Girls", written by VictorMargueritte, about the liberation of women who lived independently of men.

Yes, young women after the First World War have no desire to return to the Victorian era, who wants to return to the traditional and conservative old woman?

They also like to wear a Hat called a Cloche Hat on their head.

Cloche Hat has a long and deep brim, like a wide and round bell, so it is also called a bell hat. It was designed by French milliner Caroline Reboux and became popular in 1925.

In addition to hats, the Flapper Girls also loved shiny diamond headbands, and the jewelry of the time was very much in favor of the elaborate Art Deco style. Art Deco style comes from architecture, but it is also used in fashion with a large number of symmetrical and repeated geometric compositions, coupled with gorgeous colors, giving people a flowery decorative texture.

Season 4 of "Downton Abbey" takes place in the 1920s and shows Mary Crawley wearing an olive leaf diamond hair accessory in a party scene.

In terms of clothing, the Flapper Girls are best represented by sleeveless dresses. This Flapper dress is very low waist, which is the opposite of the previous design that deliberately emphasized the waist line of the clothing, but it will pile on the clothing with fringe, feathers, sequins and other elements, bright and luxurious.

And fur is also their heart is good, the 1920s is the era of fur, whether it is the upper celebrity or the ordinary class of women, the collar or in the train set a circle of fur.

And in the recent shows, Flapper Girls brought inspiration also emerged in an endless stream, these dresses are gorgeous.

Of course, the indulgent, crazy '20s and the Flapper Girls have always been the inspiration for magazine covers and blockbusters, because it was such a beautiful time.

Flapper Girls bring us not only gorgeous fashion, in the roaring 20s, Flapper Girls are living for themselves, isn't it also what we are pursuing today?

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