Liu Yuedi: To establish a "heart" for Chinese life, everyone can become an artist of life

Liu Yuedi, the initiator of the concept of "life aesthetics", the planner of "Chinese Town Aesthetics Model", the researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, published her new book "Chinese Life Aesthetics". This book highly summarizes the Chinese people's understanding of heaven and earth, as well as the aesthetics of life practiced in food, clothing, housing and transportation, and puts forward the idea that everyone can become an artist of life. Share their ideas and practice experiences about Chinese life aesthetics.

At the event, Gong Pengcheng, a famous scholar, said that although the aesthetics of life has been spread across all walks of life, it has sorted out the aesthetics of life of Chinese people from the ideological framework and promoted it from the direction, which has become a common line of Chinese people. Chinese aesthetics is definitely reflected in the beauty of nature, the beauty of clothing, the beauty of etiquette and many other aspects, among which the discovery and creation of the beauty of nature and the beauty of custom is the strongest aspect of Chinese aesthetics. Most of the previous aesthetic training was Western-style, and the interpretation of the aesthetics of Chinese life broke away from the living situation of the ancients and stayed relatively at the level of concepts and thoughts. Now we return to the living world and systematically rebuild the aesthetics of Chinese life, making it a kind of observation and practice that grows out of life, which can be regarded as the real unity of knowledge and practice.

Li Jingze, vice president of the Chinese Writers Association, said that the aesthetics of life is the creation of Chinese people, to a certain extent is the creation of Liu Yuedi teacher, which is very reasonable, since Confucius, Chinese philosophy and tradition are concerned with how to live a happy life. "Chinese Life Aesthetics" from the fundamental attitude, the level of Tao, that is, the aesthetics of the way of life, discusses the way of life of the Chinese people, polite, natural, is a particularly valuable legacy of the tradition. Teacher Liu Yuedi talks about the aesthetics of life, which is to let life return to the beauty and return to the tradition, and to gather the beauty of the Chinese tradition with a long history and high degree of difference, in fact, it is something that is constantly being created and full of vitality. This includes our understanding and imagination of tradition, as well as the exploration of the rich and delicate beauty in tradition, is a practical and broad field.

Teacher Liu Yuedi has been committed to advocating the Chinese style of life aesthetics, he believes that life aesthetics is about the pursuit of a happy life, that is, the pursuit of texture and quality of life. He stressed the importance of understanding on the spot, only to have a deep understanding of the beauty of Chinese life and the unity of Tao and organ, can we practice the aesthetics of the unity of knowledge and action.

So, how should the Chinese aesthetic tradition of life be presented? The following is an excerpt from the introduction of Liu Yuedi's The Aesthetics of Chinese Life, which is authorized by the publisher.

In China, the "good life" we seek is actually speaking of two kinds of life: one is the "good life" and the other is the "beautiful life". A good life is a quality life; A beautiful life is a quality life.

The pursuit of a better life is what people want. No matter The Times change, no matter the geographical changes, people regard a better life as a good wish, but the key is to achieve it. There is only a word difference between "life aesthetics" and a good life, and "life aesthetics" has become the path to promote a good life.

So what is the relationship between these two lives? "Good life" must form the realistic basis of "beautiful life"; Conversely, the "beautiful life" is the ideal sublimation of the "good life". Without the ideal of life, there is no ideal life, and "life aesthetics" is exactly the ideal of a good life.

It is gratifying that "aesthetics of life" has gradually become a key buzzword in today's Chinese society. Practitioners of the aesthetics of life advocate aestheticizing everyone's daily life, They have mushroomed in more than a dozen industry fields - tea ceremony, flower way, incense way, Qin Way, Hanfu revival, Chinese suit tailoring, delicious food, classical furniture, ancient and modern collection, crafts and folk arts, travel homestand, intangible cultural heritage protection, public art, aesthetic education, art authorization, creative industry, games and animation, interior design, real estate development, community planning and even urban top-level design Continued activity and the emergence of many aestheticians in these professions is a result of a revival of Chinese life traditions.

In my opinion, today's China really needs an overall aesthetic planning, since it was once a country of rites and ceremonies, it will also become a country of beauty and kindness in the future, so that the Chinese tradition of rites and music can be returned to its original development. In fact, Chinese aesthetics is originally the aesthetics of life, because the Chinese people's life was endowed with the pursuit of aestheticization by the ancients, and the Chinese people's aesthetic was also laid the foundation of life in ancient times.

The aesthetics of Chinese life precisely answers such an extremely realistic question: why do we want to live well? How can we live a good life? In a word, the core appeal of the aesthetics of life is to make everyone become an artist of life. When I say that everyone is an artist of life, it is to pull down art at the same time, to pull up life!

You, I, and he can all become artists of their own lives - the so-called "artists of life" is to live their lives as art, rather than art for art's sake. After all, artists are a small part of our lives, but the scope of living artists is much wider, and they can flourish in all areas of life. Because, the art of life is the art of capital, calligraphy and painting music and dance is the art of lowercase.

Only by becoming the so-called "living" artist, can life become an artistic life; Only by becoming the so-called "artist" of life can art and aesthetics return to the true state of life. Our living artists have always been actively open to the emotional life world, and they are good at using various techniques of artists to deal with life, so as to integrate aesthetic observation, aesthetic participation and aesthetic creation, and improve their life experience and life course.

This little book, titled "The Aesthetics of Chinese Life", is an attempt to find the great wisdom of Chinese life aesthetics for you, for you who seek the beauty of life. We want to establish a "heart" for Chinese life, but what we have established is not an ordinary heart, but a "heart of beauty"!

So, how should the Chinese aesthetic tradition of life be presented? This little book, divided into ten lectures, is structured as follows:

From the beginning to the end, the beauty of the sky with the changing weather - the beauty of the people who judge the appearance of people - the beauty of the land of all things - the beauty of the food of the taste of food - the beauty of the leisure of things - the beauty of the secluded home - the beauty of the landscape and leisurely travel - the beauty of the literary beauty - the beauty of the moral cultivation - the beauty of the nature of heaven's destiny, if you draw the curve in the picture in order, It is like the 8-word dance of bees, but in fact, it is formed by walking around the interactive edge of Yin and Yang fish, and finally it can be closed into a ring. Structurally speaking, the horizontal spread of the 8-character order, the more grounded to the lower level, the more close to heaven, from the beginning of the day to the person, the final common to the day, thus forming a circular structure.

None of these ten traditions is past perfect; each is a living tradition. Therefore, the "aesthetics of life" that we have inherited is the aesthetics of living, which returns to life to survive and refuses to be "musealized" to die. The reason why Chinese cultural tradition continues so far is also because the tradition of life itself has never been interrupted, and the aesthetics of life is the elite of this unbroken tradition.

Contemporary people need not only the global "life aesthetics", but also the aesthetic Chinese life. "Life aesthetics" originally took root in China, so "replacing religion with aesthetics" can achieve the ideal road. The aesthetic view of life has always been a guide in the life world of the Chinese people, and no religion in history has become the absolute guide of China, and we Chinese have always done "the cause of entering the WTO" with "the spirit of the world".

This is precisely from the Chinese "one world" world view, the famous esthetician CAI Yuanpei in the early 20th century to mark the "aesthetic education in the religion" is based on this. If what we call the tradition of "life aesthetics" is combined with "replacing religion with aesthetics", then the true function of aesthetics can be realized in today's society, where aesthetics is not a "small aesthetics" aimed at art, but a "big aesthetics" integrated into life.

Sinicized aesthetics is not only directly related to people's perceptual world, but also closely related to Chinese people's "rational structure" : Chinese people have always had a "rational structure" different from Western rationalism, thus emphasizing the integration of emotion and reason. As a long local tradition rooted in both life and aesthetic transcendence, "life aesthetics" can provide the world with the best model of a reasonable life, thus shaping a new type of global "reasonable civilization".

"Aesthetics of life" is not only a study of aesthetic life, but also a way of happiness in pursuit of a better life, the former is theoretical, the latter is practical, the two should be integrated, because they are inherently one. Therefore, as a kind of daily aesthetics, "life aesthetics" is the only use of body. This "body" is the body of life, is the Chinese people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, use and entertainment of life noumenon; This "use" is the application of "life aesthetics" in its life noumenon, which is the unity of knowledge and action of Chinese people in the aesthetic sense.

Let's all get involved in this Chinese emotional wisdom. "Life aesthetics", rooted in the local, benefit the contemporary, inherit the traditional wisdom, shape the way of today's life!

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