Polo shirts are so misunderstood

Umbrella skirt oversized skirt appears particularly slim waist, the perfect length is synonymous with elegance, if the upper body with shirt age is too strong, it is not as good as Polo shirt.

Pick a high waist, mix and match is important, look good is more important!

To make Polo fashionable, wearing a skirt is actually a shortcut. Why are pants so hard to put on? Because Polo+ pants are the logical thing to do. Being normal means being mediocre, and when it's for everyone, it's even harder to create something special.

You must have seen a lot of them in the summer, right? Adding up items with the same attributes won't give you any extra points, and unless you have supermodel legs, it's easy to look ordinary.

If you want to look good with this match, the style of shorts should be a little fashionable, and the proportion of the match is also important.

Choose a long Polo to create this "bottom disappear", but we say "disappear" is not a little invisible on the side of the pants! This style is very suitable for small girls, because it makes the legs longer.

The same is the workplace Lady's favorite single product, wide-leg pants less than the pencil skirt charming more Power, Polo shirt leisure just and it forms a sharp contrast, master our next few key points to teach you, this contrast will not be abrupt.

The shoulder line is the first criterion.

The width of your shoulders is an important measure of how fat or thin you are, and people with narrow shoulders look thinner. The most beautiful shoulders should be flat and curved, and creating such a perfect shoulder line is just Polo's strong point.

Choosing a well-fitting Polo shirt is similar to choosing a shirt, and we must first pay attention to whether the shoulders are suitable. Put the Polo shirt on the hanger on your back and compare it. If the seam between the sleeve and the shirt can coincide with the protruding bone in your shoulder, it is the most suitable.

Retro off-shoulder Polo shirts are also popular this year, but deliberately choosing Oversize and choosing the wrong Size are two concepts!

The fitted shoulder design can create a "swan shoulder" effect for you, so that you look like the shoulder is open and straight, so that it is enough temperament, learn this first, and then challenge the shoulder in the future.

The cuff will win.

The sleeve length to the middle of the big arm is the perfect length, and the sleeve circumference is the key to determining whether the Polo shirt is fashionable or not.

The sleeve circumference must not be too loose, otherwise it will be awkward to lift your arms and see your armpits.

The more simple the design of the shirt, the more you can decide the grade from the details of shoulder width and sleeve length, so don't be lazy, be sure to try the upper body before buying.

Not to the bottom.

The length of the Polo can not be too long, otherwise you want to tuck into the skirt waist are stuffed, and the Polo without waist is the same width, the bust and hip circumference support, you will have no waist.

How dare you dress like that when Kate Moss's waist is missing? Polo shirts of the same size are usually shorter than T-shirts. If you are unsure, it is safer to try them on yourself.

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