The connotation and value of daily life aesthetics under contemporary cultural environment

Aesthetics of daily life is the latest branch of western aesthetics formed in the first decade of the 20th century. It originated from environmental aesthetics and some aesthetic works of the 20th century. Nowadays, aesthetics of daily life has become a hot spot in contemporary aesthetics. Since 2005, there has been a growing body of work in the West on the aesthetics of everyday life, For example, Andrew Light and Jonathan M. Smith (2005), The Aesthetics of Everyday Life (2005), Japanese-American scholar YurikoSaito (2007), the Aesthetics of Everyday Life. They regard ordinary everyday life, such as architecture, food, clothing, sports, movies, etc., as an important part of contemporary aesthetic theory. Therefore, in a certain sense, the aesthetics of daily life is a distant echo of cultural studies, and even an extension of cultural studies. Therefore, when talking about the aesthetics of daily life, we have to relate to cultural factors, and therefore, the influence of cultural environment plays a very important role in the aesthetic beautification of daily life aesthetics.

In contemporary China, some scholars have paid attention to the aesthetics of daily life, and the debate on the aestheticization of daily life has been divided into two groups for several years. Although Li Chaode did not directly put forward the concept of the aesthetics of daily life in his book Noble Simplicity: Ancient and Modern Discussions on Art Aesthetics, he did focus on the content of the aesthetics of daily life. The book on Art Aesthetics, Ancient and Modern, puts forward viewpoints and analyzes questions about art beauty, technology beauty, design beauty, life beauty and other 10 aesthetic topics, including aesthetic phenomenon, aesthetic essence and aesthetic direction. Although the book is the transcript of Mr. Li's lectures in class, it is extremely rich in contents. The book compares and discusses art aesthetics from ancient and modern times, East and West. Finally, return to the beauty of contemporary design art. In the 13th lecture of the book, many examples in real life are given to demonstrate the relationship between daily life and design, as well as the new value and interpretation of the beauty of design. When talking about the beauty of food, Mr. Li interprets it as the relationship between the beauty of food and the environment, the relationship between travel and the environment, etc., and this is just the emerging research category on the aesthetics of daily life in the West. These aesthetic activities related to daily life are quietly changing with the change of scientific and technological information and cultural environment.

Aestheticization of daily life in contemporary cultural environment

As mentioned above, the aesthetics of everyday life originated from Western aesthetic thought, which is no longer interested in the high art in museums, theaters and concert halls, but focuses on the aesthetic experience of daily life, which can be the landscape involved in the process of work, travel, leisure, school, shopping, etc. Therefore, aesthetics is everywhere in daily life, and the aesthetics of daily life reflects the aesthetics of daily life. People's aestheticization of daily life has greatly improved the quality of life. On the one hand, they advocate the "art of life", that is, the pursuit of beauty in life. Zhu Guangqian discussed in "Talk of Beauty" : "Living a life is like doing an article. A perfect life has the beauty points of a high-quality article. On the other hand, it emphasizes the "life of art", life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty. In the 15th lecture of this book, The Significance of Design Aesthetics Research and the Aesthetic Character of The Times, Li Chaode also said: "Life is art, art intervenes in life and other modern aesthetic propositions directly bring the aestheticization of life into the thinking of aesthetic research... Design from the daily life of clothing, food, housing, transportation to space shuttle, urban planning, there are a lot of design aesthetic problems. To study and discuss human design behavior, daily objects, production process and living environment from the perspective of aesthetics, and to find out the scientificity, logic and regularity of design aesthetic theory, it is an important academic issue that the research institute of design aesthetic theory needs to solve urgently."

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of China's economy, with the intensification of world exchanges and the penetration and integration of foreign multi-cultures, People's Daily life in the contemporary cultural environment is no longer limited to satisfying the basic material needs, and many people have begun to pursue the aestheticization of daily life. The aesthetic demand for pursuing a higher realm of daily life will certainly promote the development of design. In the cultural exchange, the new and innovative design with Chinese symbols and traditional national characteristics naturally influences the design of western trendy culture. On the contrary, the aesthetic pursuit of daily life restricts the aesthetic direction of contemporary art design. The aesthetic experience of daily life is an important part of our aesthetic life, everyone's aesthetic taste and judgment affect the quality of life, and cultural exchange is an important factor to promote the improvement of aesthetic experience. With the rapid development of information technology, today we are in the process of globalization, and the world's diverse cultures are constantly infiltrating, interrelated and interacting with each other. It is precisely because of the deepening of this globalization process that its impact on People's Daily lives and inner impact have become more and more powerful. Professor Li said in his book "Noble Simplicity: Ancient and Modern Discussions on Art Aesthetics" : "... In the face of the great exchange and collision of Eastern and Western cultures, the key lies in the differences in cultural concepts and aesthetic tastes of the two sides... The trend of globalization is irreversible, and the assimilation of design aesthetics will lead to the disappearance of the development of cultural diversity in the world..." In the ninth lecture, The Peaceful State of the Eastern Aesthetic Spirit, he discusses the relationship between aesthetic meaning and culture with the prose "Praise of the Shade" by Junichiro Tanizaki, a Japanese aesthetic writer, as the starting point. Centering on the aestheticization of daily life, he analyzes the aesthetic changes of daily life under the contemporary cultural environment from the perspectives of the beauty of architecture, the beauty of objects, and the beauty of food. The article gives examples of the influence of Japanese art design on world culture, and Japan exports its unique traditional culture or aesthetic consciousness resources to countries around the world. In the book, Kenya Hara, a Japanese designer, says, "I don't think Japanese design is international, Japanese design is Japanese, and the reason why Japanese design is sold around the world shows the influence of Japan's culture." This shows that culture and design are closely linked, good design shows a country's national cultural spirit, is the embodiment of national aesthetic character, is the embodiment of People's Daily life aesthetic taste improvement.

With the development of economy, the pursuit of aestheticization of daily life is increasingly sought after by young people, which is their pursuit of a higher level of daily life. The aestheticization of daily life breaks the original boundary between art and life, turns life into art, makes the boring and monotonous life full of interest and art, pursues style and makes personality known, and then realizes the aestheticization of daily life. The increasing prosperity of commodity economy and the exchange and collision of cultural diversity all play a role in promoting the aestheticization of daily life.

Taste the connotation of the aesthetics of daily life from a round fan

A small group fan is both daily necessities, but also hidden deep cultural character. The group fan is rarely used in modern life. Although it is a traditional living object, it is also a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. It not only focuses on the wisdom and spirit of Chinese artisans, but also tells Chinese stories and talks about modern life. A small round fan is enough to trigger people's resonance to traditional culture, and we can also deeply understand the connotation and value of the aesthetics of daily life from a small round fan. The earliest history of the group fan is not yet verified, but in the Tang Dynasty, the group fan was very popular. It was an ordinary thing in the palace and among the people. Writing poems and painting on the group fan endowed it with unusual cultural significance.

In the tenth lecture of this book, "The Context of Suzhou: A Big Universe in a Tuanfan", the content of a separate lecture discusses the Tuanfan culture and its relationship with life aesthetics, which shows that although the Tuanfan is small, it hides a big universe. "The 'Bright Moon in the Heart -- Chinese Group Fan Cultural Impression Exhibition' held in Hangzhou in October 2017 carries the traditional cultural spirit of implicit and restrained, reveals the elegant and exquisite traditional aesthetic taste, and highlights the profound and meaningful traditional cultural character." In the beginning, the exhibition of the group fan introduces the topic, discussing the inheritance and continuation of traditional object skills. Then, through a special group fan exhibited in the exhibition, the relationship between the artistic beauty of the group fan and the beauty of daily life and culture is discussed. Although the paper is talking about the group fan, it actually analyzes the connotation of cultural adherence and traditional craft aesthetics. This talk focuses on a special group fan, which is the third elegant collection of Yiyuan Painting Group in "Passing Cloud Tower", which embodies the artistic talent of seven great scholars in the late Qing Dynasty of Gusu. Around the fan painting art, described in the article, the front of the fan is a small green landscape, which is jointly completed by a number of great scholars and great painters in the late Qing Dynasty of Gusu, mountains, stones, trees, dots, signatures, inscriptions and postscripts, and the reverse calligraphy is also completed by two famous calligraphers. From the point of view of this fan, it appears to show the level of painting art in the late Qing Dynasty, but in fact, it carries the deep historical context of Suzhou in the late Qing Dynasty, as well as the unique aesthetic taste and daily life style of those literati and scholar-officials, and further shows the status of Suzhou in Jiangnan culture. It can be seen that a small fan is enough to break the boundary between art and life, making the aesthetic become an attitude of life. It is not only an ordinary object, but also full of the practical spirit of national culture, which is also the deep cultural connotation embodied in the aesthetics of daily life.

The value and significance of daily life aesthetics

In the previous analysis of the current debate on the aesthetics of daily life, I want to say here that the emergence of a new phenomenon must have its positive side, but also has its shortcomings, can lead the trend to play a positive role in promoting the development of The Times is worth promoting. From the above discussion, we can know that the aesthetics of daily life is actually different from the beauty of metaphysical elegant art. It is closely connected with People's Daily life. In fact, it is the beauty of things that people often come into contact with in daily life, including the surrounding environment, objects and other daily objects. Therefore, the aesthetic value of daily life is expressed in two aspects: on the one hand, its artistic value; The other is the practical value. It can bring physical and mental pleasure to People's Daily life, and can cultivate people's noble aesthetic taste and sentiment. For example, the furniture and furnishings at home, as well as the group fan mentioned above, the beauty shown by the shape, color and craft of these objects can subtly and permanently affect people and make them like them unconsciously. This environmental influence determines a person's quality and connotation. Therefore, a person's ideological character and taste are closely related to the aesthetic standards and tastes of the living environment around him. The beauty of daily life is not only a decorative role, it also plays an inspiring role in the invisible, the beauty of daily life can bring hope and strength to people, so it is necessary to improve the beauty of daily life, people's clothing, food, housing and transportation and the entire living environment and atmosphere to improve, not only the improvement of the national spirit and culture, but also the improvement of external image.

With the rapid development of China's economy, economically developed people have solved the problem of food and clothing, and then there will be a higher level of aesthetic demand. Therefore, the development of economic globalization, the increasingly abundant commodities and the optimization of working and living environment have promoted the aestheticization of People's Daily life. Therefore, a small round fan is not only used as a daily object, but also contains the spirit of national culture. From a round fan, we can see that the aestheticization of daily life is not only the satisfaction of material life, but also the improvement of spiritual culture, which also plays an important role in the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures.

Since the beginning of the new century, the theoretical discussion about the aesthetics of daily life has become more and more intense, and the reality of aesthetics towards daily life has become more and more intense. On the one hand, the development of science and technology and the abundance of material make people have higher and higher requirements for life, and they begin to rethink the meaning of life and daily satisfaction. On the other hand, the update and rapid development of information technology has narrowed the distance between people, and it is very easy for multinational companies to communicate across the Pacific Ocean. With the development of information technology, the economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West are getting closer and closer. The proposal of the "Belt and Road" is conducive to the economic integration and cultural tolerance of the East and the West. Only cultural exchanges and ideological exchanges can bring about economic exchanges. In this era of profound transformation of the daily life style of society, only by letting the distinctive national culture go out can it be recognized by the world. The development of economy and the exchange of culture have effectively promoted the popularization of art among citizens and the aestheticization of daily life. The aestheticization of daily life builds a bridge of dialogue between aesthetics and daily life, so that aesthetics can transcend the threshold of art and inject the source of beauty into secular daily life, so as to build the value system of daily life in contemporary society, improve people's quality of life, and improve the status of Chinese national culture in the world. It can be said that the transformation and promotion of aestheticization in daily life is an inevitable trend of contemporary social and cultural development, and it also plays a certain role in promoting Chinese culture to the world.

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