We will continue to make epidemic prevention and control more scientific and precise

To implement the requirements of the 20 optimization measures, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing and other places made relevant arrangements on November 30, emphasizing that epidemiological investigations should be carried out in accordance with the principles of science and precision,

and close contacts should be timely and accurately identified, and the scope of close contacts should not be arbitrarily expanded, and the criteria for determining close contacts should not be taken as space-time accompanying.

Guangzhou and Shenzhen proposed that "close contacts should in principle be placed under centralized isolation and observation, and close contacts who meet the conditions for home isolation should be placed under home isolation." Chongqing has also proposed that close contacts who meet the conditions for home isolation can be quarantined at home.

We will continue to make epidemic prevention and control more scientific and precise

"Precision" is the key to winning the protracted battle of regular epidemic prevention and control. Dynamic zero essence, one is fast, the second is accurate

China is a big country with a vast territory. This not only means that we have the advantage of greater depth, the outbreak of the epidemic in one place, can mobilize multiple resources and support, so that we have the conditions and capacity to overcome the epidemic, but also means that the reality of different places, the situation is very different

The quarantine control period for close contacts and inbound personnel has been adjusted from "14-day intensive medical observation + 7-day home health monitoring" to "7-day intensive medical observation + 3-day home health monitoring".

The close contact control measures have been adjusted from "7-day centralized isolation medical observation" to "7-day home isolation medical observation"; Unified seal control area and high risk area demarcation standards......

Not long ago, the ninth edition of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Protocol was officially released. Compared with the eighth edition, the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan has revised the isolation management of risk personnel,

the demarcation standards of medium and high risk areas, and epidemic surveillance according to the characteristics of the Omicron variant. This is a strong measure to make epidemic prevention and control more scientific and precise, and a concrete manifestation of the scientific, accurate and dynamic elimination of COVID-19.

"Precision" is the key to winning the protracted battle of regular epidemic prevention and control. Dynamic zero essence, one is fast, the second is accurate. Making epidemic prevention and control more scientific and accurate is not only a necessary part of dynamic elimination, but also an inevitable requirement for minimizing the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

The fight against the epidemic is a systematic project, which needs to consider three aspects at the same time: first, to control the epidemic, second, to ensure the normal life of the people,

and third, to ensure necessary economic and social operations. All three are indispensable. In this regard, the key to determining the best plan to combat the epidemic lies in how to control the epidemic in a shorter period of time at a lower cost,

minimize the adverse impact of the epidemic while maximizing the protection of people's life and health, and ensure sustained, healthy and stable economic and social development with good prevention and control results.

Since the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, it is precisely because of the scientific, accurate and dynamic elimination of zero, constantly adjusting the prevention and control measures according to the time and situation,

discovering and stamping out one by one, we have withstood the impact of one epidemic after another, and dealt with local clusters of epidemics quickly and effectively, effectively ensuring China's economic development and epidemic prevention and control in the world's leading position.

The hard-won results show that our prevention and control policy can stand the test of history, and our prevention and control measures are scientific and effective. Rapid and accurate dynamic elimination is an effective weapon for China to control the epidemic.

China is a big country with a vast territory. This not only means that we have the advantage of greater depth, the outbreak of the epidemic in one place, can mobilize multiple resources and support,

so that we have the conditions and capacity to overcome the epidemic, but also means that the reality of different places, the situation is very different. This reality also determines that we can neither adopt a "one-size-fits-all" approach to different regions,

hinder the restoration of economic and social order, nor improperly relax the prevention and control, resulting in the abandonment of previous achievements, we must continue to improve the level of regional,

graded and differentiated prevention and control. Not long ago, the joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council clearly put forward the "nine mistakes" in epidemic prevention and control,

in order to urge all localities and departments to unswervingly adhere to the general strategy of "preventing import from abroad and preventing rebound from home" and the general policy of "dynamic zero elimination",

to do a precise prevention and control according to the time and situation, and more effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. Only by resolutely preventing the phenomenon of simplification,

"one-size-fits-all" and layer on layer, and resolutely achieving "nine inaccuracies", can we improve the efficiency of prevention and control and achieve the maximum effect of prevention and control at the smallest cost.

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