Scientific management: Against Omicron to further improve scientific management

This will not only seriously affect the health of special groups such as the elderly, the sick, the disabled and pregnant, but also impact China's medical resources, increase the burden of medical treatment, and form a large-scale rebound.

We must always stay awake, adhere to the "dynamic zero clearing", act quickly and accurately, based on early, small and basic, and put out together when we find out, we will be able to accurately win the battle against the new coronavirus.

To win the battle against the virus, we need to adhere to the mass line and unswervingly put people and life first. In the face of protecting people's lives, we must do whatever it takes.

From accelerating the promotion of inspection should be checked, receivable should be collected, should be separated, should be treated, to the realization of dynamic division of containment, control and control areas, reasonable division of different infected people centralized management,

centralized security service units, is to achieve the maximum effect at the minimum cost through rapid and accurate full chain prevention and control measures, do not miss an infected person, do not give up a patient. Similarly,

in the face of the cunning virus, only by closely relying on the people, extensively mobilizing the people, organizing the people, gathering the people and uniting the people can we form a community of responsibility in the whole society, build a solid defense line against the epidemic, and consolidate the hard-won epidemic prevention and control results.

To win the battle against the virus, we need to always believe in science, respect science, rely on science, achieve scientific prevention and control, and implement scientific policies.

"Nothing is false, there is a reason." Viruses have their own biological laws, and to win the war of epidemic prevention and control, we need to explore and follow these laws, so as to "know yourself and know your enemy."

From using scientific and technological means to install thermometers in railway stations, bus stations and other public places to carry out epidemic surveillance, investigation and early warning, to accelerating clinical drug screening,

application and vaccine research and development, we adhere to scientific methods, pay attention to precise policies, scientific and systematic implementation of prevention and control, timely introduction and adjustment of corresponding countermeasures according to the law of virus transmission, so as to be flexible and efficient. Smooth and orderly.

Persevere and dare to win. Defeating the epidemic not only concerns people's lives, but also tests society's capacity for governance. In the face of the huge uncertainties brought about by the epidemic,

we need to prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific way, be careful in the beginning, and strengthen confidence to win the battle at an early date, so as to make new and greater contributions to global solidarity against the epidemic.Do a good job of epidemic prevention and control, Zhong Nanshan shares "three sciences"

At the high-level Forum and the 2022 Guanzhou International Biological Forum after the opening ceremony, Zhong Nanshan, president of the conference, winner of the Medal of the Republic and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,

gave a keynote speech on the topic of "Science and Technology to Fight the Epidemic - The Epidemic should be Prevented and the economy should be stable". To discuss the hot issues and development trends of global public health, human health, and strengthening the construction of national biosecurity risk prevention and control system.

Zhong Nanshan first introduced the global infection rate and mortality rate since the emergence of the Omicron strain of COVID-19. According to statistics, from January to June 9, 2022, more than 200 million people have been diagnosed worldwide, with more than 840,000 deaths and a case fatality rate of 0.35%. In China, Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong have a large epidemic, there are many local distribution and community infection.

China proposed to adhere to dynamic zero clearing, Zhong Nanshan believes that this is not a simple dynamic zero clearing, but to achieve the epidemic to prevent, economic stability, development to safety. In epidemic prevention and control, in order to prevent additional layers from affecting economic development, it is still necessary to consider how to achieve precise prevention and control.

Scientific management: Against Omicron to further improve scientific management

"Prevention and control depends on science! We should achieve scientific management, scientific prevention and scientific treatment. Zhong Nanshan said.

The first is scientific management, Zhong Nanshan to Guangzhou "0408" and "0427" epidemic as an example,

that the fight against Omicron to further improve scientific management, including routine nucleic acid testing, division of "three zones" and grid management, yellow code system, he stressed that the "three zones" division is not fully rolled out, but according to the specific situation adjustment.

In addition, other areas outside the epidemic center suspended school, stopped dining, and closed public places for a shorter period of time, so the prevention and control of Omicron in Guangzhou "0408" epidemic was faster and had less impact.

Scientific prophylaxis: It is recommended to use a heterogeneic vaccine as a sequential vaccination

In terms of scientific prevention, Zhong Nanshan proposed to carry out rational sequential vaccines and develop new vaccines. Currently, there are 38 vaccines approved by the World Health Organization,

including inactivated vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, subunit protein vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and virus-like particles (VLP) vaccines. Among them, the inactivated vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines and subunit protein vaccines approved in China have played a very important role in the epidemic.

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