What else can you do about it but blow your nose

How big is the damage to the ear when you pinch your nose and blow your nose? This question depends on whether you are holding your nose and blowing your nose correctly.

In the cold, nasal blockage, there is yellow nose or water nose can not blow out, the correct way is to hold down one nostril, blow the other nostril, and then alternate operation, so press the nose blowing method is correct and scientific.

But some people, when they blow their nose, press both nostrils together and blow hard. Since no pressure comes out of the other nostril, all the pressure comes out of the ear.

The ear and the nose are connected, so the operation will lead to the pressure in the nasal cavity into the ear, but also the nasal cavity inside the harmful bacteria, viruses, and even pus into the middle ear, causing ear congestion, hearing loss, and even lead to middle ear infection, resulting in otitis media.

Looking at the yellow and green on the toilet paper in the hand, a small sense of achievement arises spontaneously, and breathing suddenly becomes easier...

I believe that most friends have a cold and stuffy nose, and this is how to solve the nose. It's true that nasal congestion can be unpleasant, and many people will ignore it by squeezing one side of the nostril with their finger and blowing it out very hard.

This can lead to problems such as blowing your nose so hard that it suddenly increases the pressure in the nasal cavity, allowing infectious mucus to enter the sinuses and cause sinusitis, or forcing infectious nasal secretions into the eustachan tube, causing otitis media, or into the nasolacrimal duct, causing dacrylitis, or blocking the nasolacrimal duct.

So, don't be too violent with our delicate little noses.

Maybe some friends think that since I can't blow my nose, I'm the boss, right?

In addition to unsightly, this behavior may bring pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses into the nasal passages, causing nasal infections.

At the same time, the nasal mucosa is subjected to mechanical stimulation such as nose picking, which is more likely to cause nasal inflammation. If you accidentally pick the blood vessels of the nasal cavity, it may cause nasal bleeding, and it is possible to dredge the nose hair, reducing the filtering effect of the nose hair on harmful substances, causing nasal infection.

In addition, because the nose is in the medical "dangerous triangle", if the inflammation is not well controlled, it may invade the skull, causing meningitis, encephalitis and life-threatening.

What do you do if you don't blow your nose or pick your nose?

Here is another trick, that is to wash the nose. First of all, it is best to use professional nasal washing tools, not necessarily choose expensive electric models. Secondly, it is recommended to choose 0.9% normal saline for nasal washing.

The iodized salt we usually eat is not recommended for nasal washing, which has health risks.

There is also expensive natural sea salt or hot spring salt, medical research reports that its nasal flushing effect is not better than normal saline, the feeling is not more comfortable than normal saline.

The preparation method of normal saline is to add 2.25g of nasal wash salt to 250ml of warm boiling water, and the warm saline at about 37℃ is more suitable. There is also a directly prepared 0.9% saline solution on the market.

According to personal needs, it can be cleaned 1 to 2 times a day, but not the more the better.

If the working environment is exposed to a lot of dust under the nasal disease, such as coal miners, carpenters, cement workers, cooks, tailors, hairdressers, etc., cleaning the nasal cavity is particularly important.

In addition to cleaning the nasal cavity, when you have a cold and stuffy nose, you can also consider applying a hot compress to the nose, such as covering the nose with a hot towel for a while to help the nasal circulation and restore ventilation.

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