Uncover the mystery of zongzi "heartburn"

Glutinous rice promotes the secretion of stomach acid

Many people feel sick after eating zongzi, blaming it on "heartburn." This feeling is largely because glutinous rice promotes the secretion of stomach acid, so people with too much stomach acid may be uncomfortable to eat sweet zongzi. The main material of zongzi is glutinous rice, which is compacted during the production process. Sticky glutinous rice makes the food energy density become higher, our stomach needs to consume more time, and everyone's digestive "ability" is different, which takes about 6-8 hours.

Adults should not exceed 150 grams a day and use your fists to measure it

Although we generally recommend that the amount of zongzi taken by adults should not exceed 150 grams a day, many friends will feel that the figure of 150 grams is more abstract, so let's help you quantify it, more secure and more intuitive in the actual operation of daily life. Let's take a look at what an average sized zongzi is:

A medium-sized red bean dumpling is about 151 grams, the volume is about the size of a fist.

A medium sized egg yolk dumpling is 209 grams, the volume is about the size of one and a half fists.

A rice dumplings more than a bowl of rice fat reduction period to eat what kind of dumplings appropriate

Fat reduction period can also eat zongzi, does not mean to give up food completely, but to learn to choose, fat reduction period friends can choose low sugar, low fat style.

The heat of a zongzi is about 200-300 calories, you can choose to use multi-grain, red beans, mung beans and so on as filling, the heat will be slightly lower. In addition, try to avoid buying too greasy zongzi, such as meat Zongzi, egg yolk Zongzi, so as to avoid excessive intake of calories.

Fat reduction period to eat zongzi, the most important thing is to control the intake. Whether it is sweet or salty, the calories of one zongzi basically exceed the carbohydrate content of 1 bowl of rice. Therefore, when eating zongzi in the fat reduction period, friends should treat it as a staple food of a meal and enjoy it appropriately.

Note that if you choose salty Zongzi or white Zongzi, but at the same time dipped in white sugar or honey to eat, it is equivalent to adding extra sugar!

At the same time, when eating zongzi, you can match some low-calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits to increase satiety and reduce the intake of other high-calorie foods.

Although zongzi is good, it is necessary to pay attention to these three points when eating

Wanshui Qianshan "Zongzi" is feeling, strong Dragon Boat Festival total Ankang. For most people, eating zongzi should pay attention to the following three points, so as not to easily produce gastrointestinal discomfort, indigestion and other problems.

Note 1: Do not eat too much

Glutinous rice and yellow rice are sticky, soft and glutinous, eat less delicious food, eat more is not easy to digest, resulting in stomach distension, stomach pain, acid reflux and other symptoms. For the elderly, children and people with weak spleen and stomach, it is recommended not to eat too much.

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease patients should pay attention to shallow stop, so as not to cause blood sugar rise and increase the burden of the heart.

In addition, patients with chronic cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis can not eat more, especially those with high oil content such as meat Zongzi and egg yolk zongzi in the south, so as not to induce acute inflammation.

Note 2: Do not eat cold

The content of amylopectin in glutinous rice dumplings is high, when it is heated, the amylopectin will gelatinize, which is conducive to being decomposed by digestive enzymes and easier to digest, and once it is cooled, the starch will age, strengthen the intermolecular solidification, and it is not easy to digest, thus increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Dragon Boat Festival coincides with the summer, do not lust for the cool taste of the moment, directly eat cold dumplings, and even eat the dumplings directly out of the refrigerator.

Note 3: Do not eat too late

Because the filling of zongzi is sweet or salty, the energy is very high, and the glutinous rice viscosity is high, it is especially not recommended to eat more zongzi at night, otherwise it may not only cause indigestion, affect sleep, and even appear symptoms of poor appetite the next day. It is recommended to eat zongzi with the meal, regard it as part of the meal, if you eat zongzi for dinner, it is recommended to reduce the intake of staple food, reasonable control of total energy intake.

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