Abdominal massage is learned

Abdominal massage is known to many people, but abdominal massage still has certain attention.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the abdomen of the human body is the miyagi city of the five viscera and the origin of Yin and Yang Qi and blood.

Often press and rub the abdomen can pass and upper and lower, separate Yin and Yang, enrich the five viscera, exorcise the evil of external feeling, and clear the endogenous diseases.

Modern medicine believes that kneading the abdomen can increase the blood flow of the abdominal muscles and intestinal smooth muscles, increase the tension of the gastrointestinal lining muscles and the function of the lymphatic system, significantly improve the peristaltic function of the large and small intestine, so as to strengthen the digestion, absorption and excretion of food, and prevent and eliminate constipation.

Often press the abdomen, can also make the gastrointestinal mucosa produce sufficient amount of prostaglandin, can effectively prevent excessive secretion of stomach acid, and can prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer.

Rubbing the abdomen can also stimulate the peripheral nerves, make the abdominal wall capillaries unimpeded, promote fat consumption, reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat, and receive satisfactory weight loss effect.

Rub the abdomen to tell the method

Which is the right way to massage the abdomen?

Chinese medicine believes that the massage direction is different, the effect is also different.

The evidence should be massaged clockwise.

Deficiency syndrome should be massaged counterclockwise.

For example, the tongue coating is yellow, thicker, halitosis, constipation, etc., at this time, the abdomen should be massaging clockwise, along the direction of the colon position, through massage stimulation, increase colon peritalsis, so that the feces reach the rectum, stimulate the intestinal wall nerve receptor cells into the brain, produce stool.

On the contrary, if the tongue is light, the tongue coating is thin, and it is easy to diarrhea, then it is necessary to take counterclockwise massage the abdomen, which is against the direction of the colon, and plays a role in preventing diarrhea.

Specific operation of abdominal massage

Generally choose to go to sleep at night and before getting up in the morning, empty urination, wash your hands, take the supine position, knee flexion, concentration, breathing naturally, relax the whole body, left hand on the abdomen, palm to the navel, right hand folded on the left hand, moderate force, on the basis of identifying the weak and solid, press 50 to 100 times clockwise or counterclockwise.

If there are no obvious symptoms, only for health care, you can take the technique of flat supplement and flat diarrhea, that is, counterclockwise and clockwise knead 50 times each, there is a better health care effect. After taking a bath pores open, then the massage effect is the best, before the massage with a hot towel to compress the abdomen, you can also receive the same effect; When rubbing the abdomen, there is often a sense of warmth in the abdomen, hunger, or intestinal clamor, exhaust gas, etc., which is a normal reaction, do not worry.

Abdominal massage is also taboo, abdominal massage should not be carried out in the case of excessive hunger or full meals; If the abdominal skin has suppurative infection or acute inflammation such as enteritis, dysentery, appendicitis, it should not be kneaded to avoid the spread of inflammation; There is cancer in the abdomen, and it is not appropriate to press and knead to prevent the spread of cancer or bleeding.

Abdominal massage does not require a special venue, nor does it have too high technical content, nor does it need to concentrate too much time, as long as you persevere and insist on uninterrupted massage, you will achieve unexpected health effects.

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