Prevention is the most cost-effective and effective health strategy

In the long course of the development of human society, infectious diseases have always been a major threat. A history of human civilization can be said to be the history of mankind's struggle against the plague.

Having a healthy people means having a stronger overall national strength and a stronger capacity for sustainable development."

We should pay attention to the prevention and control of major diseases, optimize prevention and control strategies, and minimize the number of people suffering from diseases.

It is necessary to pay attention to the health of children and adolescents, comprehensively strengthen the hygiene and health work in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools, strengthen the publicity of health knowledge, raise students' awareness of disease prevention, and implement targeted nutritious meals or nutrition packages for students in poor areas to ensure their growth and development."

"I have said that prevention is the most cost-effective and effective health strategy. We must resolutely implement the policy of giving priority to prevention and make unremitting efforts to move forward the threshold of prevention and prevent minor diseases from turning into major epidemics."

It is necessary to strengthen the construction of public health personnel, and improve the training, access, use, treatment guarantee, evaluation and incentive mechanisms for practitioners. We should continue to strengthen the system of training general practitioners and hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, promote efficient coordination and seamless connection between public health services and medical services, and improve the working mechanism of integrated prevention and treatment, joint prevention and control, and mass prevention and treatment. It is necessary to strengthen risk awareness and improve the coordination mechanism for research, evaluation, decision-making, prevention and control of major public health risks."

"We should adhere to the policy of putting prevention first in our health and health work, vigorously carry out patriotic health campaigns, strengthen the construction of public health teams and community-level prevention and control capacity, promote the integration of medical and prevention, and truly solve problems at the beginning and before they become disasters."

The meeting required that we should adhere to prevention first, innovate ways and methods of patriotic health campaigns, promote urban and rural environmental improvement, improve public health facilities, vigorously carry out health knowledge popularization, and advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

"We should base on more accurate and effective prevention, optimize and improve the function setting of disease prevention and control institutions, innovate the medical and prevention coordination mechanism, strengthen the disease prevention and control responsibilities of medical institutions at all levels, urge the implementation of the responsibility of reporting infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies, and improve the linkage working mechanism between disease control institutions and urban and rural communities." We will strengthen the responsibility of township hospitals and community health service centers for disease prevention and control, and consolidate the grassroots foundation for joint prevention and control."

Sudden acute infectious diseases often spread widely, spread fast, and do great harm to society, which is a major biosecurity problem. We should strengthen our bottom-line thinking, increase our awareness of potential dangers, and always guard against major risks in the health sector."

It is important to sum up experience and draw lessons. While conducting regular epidemic prevention and control, we should focus on more accurate and effective prevention, advance prevention, reform and improve the disease prevention and control system, improve the major public health risk assessment, research and decision making mechanism, innovate the medical and prevention coordination mechanism, and improve the joint prevention and control mechanism and the treatment mechanism for major epidemics. We will strengthen our capacity for early monitoring and early warning, rapid detection, emergency response and comprehensive treatment, and carry out in-depth patriotic health campaigns to prevent and control major diseases at the source."

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