NBA regular season: Warriors reverse Trail Blazers Curry 31 points 17 of the game-winning 3-pointer

Local data
Warriors: Curry 31 points and 5 rebounds, Moody 12 points, Wiggins 9 points, Draymond 10 points and 10 rebounds and 9 assists, Clay 11 points and 5 rebounds, Saric 13 points and 6 rebounds, Kuminga 13 points, Paul 2 points and 6 assists.
Blazers: Sharp had 26 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, Kamara had 6 points and 13 rebounds, Simmons had 28 points and 4 assists, Walker had 12 points.

NBA regular season: Warriors reverse Trail Blazers Curry 31 points 17 of the game-winning 3-pointer
Chu Bian

The first half of the warriors have been behind, the third quarter Blazers once led by 11 points, Curry broke out, a single quarter of 5, got 17 points, the Warriors bite the score.

With 9 seconds left, Curry hit a key three-pointer, and the Warriors 110-106 Blazers.

Local data

Warriors: Curry 31 points and 5 rebounds, Moody 12 points, Wiggins 9 points, Draymond 10 points and 10 rebounds and 9 assists, Clay 11 points and 5 rebounds, Saric 13 points and 6 rebounds, Kuminga 13 points, Paul 2 points and 6 assists.

Blazers: Sharp had 26 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, Kamara had 6 points and 13 rebounds, Simmons had 28 points and 4 assists, Walker had 12 points.

Paul and Wiggins returned together and the Blazers opened with a 6-2 lead. Simmons hit a 3-pointer, Wiggins answered with a jumper, Sharp hit a 3-pointer, Green made a putback, and then he drew a foul and made two free throws before Sharp hit a 3-pointer to give Portland a 16-10 lead.

Sharp counterattack violent buckle, Curry three-point hit, Moody counterattack a dragon, followed by a layup, both sides 18 level.

Simmons hit a basket, followed by a 3-pointer, Henderson hit a basket, Moody scored a layup, and the first quarter ended with Portland leading 26-22.

In the second quarter, Saric a continuous foul, Moody 2 plus 1, Saric layup, Henderson jump shot back, Saric hit three points, Sable three points back, Murray three points also have, Portland 39-30, Warriors suspended.

Back from timeout, Luni made a layup, then he made a layup, Wiggins made a layup, Simmons returned with three points, Kamara scored four straight points, Paul made a jumper, Green made a layup, Reese also had three points, Green made a layup, the halftime, Portland 55-48 lead.

After the break, Sharp hit a 3-pointer and Kamara made a layup to give the Blazers a 10-point lead.

Curry three points back, Clay missed the basket, Simmons three points also have Curry throw 2 and 1, Sharp counterattack layup, also made Green foul, complete 2 and 1.

The warriors came back from a timeout, Walker made a layup, Curry made a three, Walker made a jumper, Moody made a three, Simmons responded with a three, Walker made a layup, the Blazers led 77-66, and the Warriors paused again.

Pause back, Curry 2 and 1, Kuminga counterattack, Curry two free throws, Kuminga layup, Murray three points back, Walker layup again, Simmons throw, Bojemski three points, the end of the three quarters, the Warriors 86-82 lead.

In the fourth quarter, Kuminga made a layup, and Sarich also made a layup, and the two sides were tied at 86. Simmons hit a 3-pointer, Saric had a 3-pointer, Simmons made a layup, and Sharp hit a 3-pointer to give Portland a 94-90 lead.

Wiggins made a layup, Curry hit a layup, with 3:59 remaining, Warriors 99-98 back, Portland timeout.

Back from timeout, Simmons two free throws, Kuminga counterattack layup, Clay hit, Kamara layup, Kuminga counterattack, Sable hit three points, with 9 seconds left, Curry hit three points, Simmons layup, Clay two free throws, and finally, the Warriors laugh at the end.

Both sides start

Blazers starters: Sharp, Kamara, Reese, Simmons, Brogdon

Warriors: Steph Curry, Klay, Wiggins, Draymond, Luney

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