Wang Zheng Capital Liu Chenjie: If only deposit, seven years later wealth or will be halved

The "2023 Global Wealth Management Forum" was held in Beijing on December 7-8.

Wang Zheng Capital global macro hedge fund chairman Liu Chenjie attended and delivered a speech.

Liu Chenjie pointed out that the wealth allocation of Chinese residents will gradually shift from real estate to other targets, including deposits, bonds, stocks or overseas assets, "the whole scale is close to a hundred trillion level of wealth transfer."

He believes that the past three years have been the highest rigid demand for real estate in China, "whether it is willing to admit it or not, the demand for real estate in China is systematically declining, which is calculated according to the demographic structure, urbanization rate, family size, future income expectations and many other factors."

Talking about wealth management, Liu Chenjie said that at present, the scale of resident deposits is significantly increasing.

"People like to keep their money in bonds or deposits where the return is more certain, or where the return is slightly lower, but it is more certain."

He analyzed that M2 has reached 280 trillion at present, and according to his estimates, the M2 scale will be close to 560 trillion in 2030.

"For ordinary people (28.970, -0.05, -0.17%), the existing wealth or wealth equivalent to cash, after seven years compared with the total currency, purchasing power will be devalued by about half, if only allocated to a few or two points on the product, although the risk is not big," But the probability is not better than the degree of change or depreciation of the stock of wealth in the market ",

He suggested that in a moderate and safe situation, increase some risk asset allocation.

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