Obstacles to the implementation of the obligation to popularize science

A delegation from the School of International Education of the University of Science and Technology of China visited the School of International Education of Xi 'an Jiaotong University

On the morning of May 23, Shen Yizhu, deputy Dean of the International School of the University of Science and Technology of China, and three people visited the School of International Education to exchange discussions on the top-level design,

development planning and enrollment training of international student education. Wen Guangrui, Dean of the School of International Education, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Ji Ting, vice dean and heads of relevant departments attended the meeting.

Wen Guangrui welcomed the delegation from the University of Science and Technology of China and said he was looking forward to the exchange. Ji Ting made a detailed introduction about the basic overview of the college, enrollment management, international student management, information construction, and Confucius Institute.

Shen Yizhu appreciated the valuable experience and achievements accumulated by Xi 'an Jiaotong University in the recruitment and management of international students, and welcomed all teachers to the University of Science and Technology of China for guidance and exchange. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on international student enrollment work, daily management experience, alumni work, faculty linkage, student status affairs and other specific issues.

We will deepen science popularization across the board and improve the scientific quality of the whole people

Popularization of science and technology is an important basic work for achieving innovative development. The city comprehensively promotes the construction of science popularization carriers and improves the public service capacity.

At the end of 2023, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, together with the Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Science and Technology Association, newly identified 58 municipal science popularization bases such as Haihe Dairy Smart Factory science popularization base,

360 network security science popularization base, and Tiankaiyuan Bochuang Park Artificial Intelligence science popularization base. Up to now, the city has 45 national science popularization bases and 297 municipal science popularization bases.

We will enrich the supply of science popularization resources and improve the communication system for science popularization. Various popular science works collection activities were held to encourage the whole society to participate in the creation of popular science works.

Four works of our city were awarded the national excellent popular science micro video works, and two books were awarded the national excellent popular science works. We have created municipal popular science communication brands such as "We love Science", "When the global popular science is in progress", "Encyclopedia Exploration" and "Baiyi Baishun", and continue to enhance the brand image of the global popular science.

At the same time, various activities will be carried out to promote the balanced development of citizens' scientific quality. The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, the Municipal Science and Technology Association,

the Municipal Health Commission and other departments supported and cooperated closely with each other to jointly plan and hold the 38th Science and Technology Week, the 2024 National Science Popularization Day,

the Sound of health science Popularization, the Emergency Star and other major science popularization activities in the city. Focusing on key groups, we carried out actions to improve the scientific quality of young people,

farmers, industrial workers, the elderly, leading officials and civil servants, and carried out the "1,000 experts into the grassroots" campaign and the "seven" campaign for universal science popularization, achieving multi-field linkage, multi-channel promotion, and multi-level coverage.Is the evaluation system the biggest obstacle to scientific popularization?

In many discussions on how to more effectively mobilize scientists, the "first players of science", to engage in more and better science popularization, the lack of institutional incentives for science popularization,

especially the lack of incentives for scientific research evaluation system, often becomes the focus of discussion. Last year, when the Ministry of Science and Technology collected opinions on the revision of the Law of Science Popularization,

the author's team also submitted suggestions on the revision of the law to promote the science popularization of scientists in the system, and most of the opinions on the revision of the law that the author saw basically set the scientific popularization obligations of scientists or scientific research projects as the main focus.

However, if, as many experts have suggested, the revised Law makes science popularization an obligation for the conclusion of scientific research, will scientists be more active in science popularization?

Accordingly, will the effect of science popularization be improved immediately? There is not much discussion about this in the industry, so it is worth spending some time to explore this in more depth.

Obstacles to the implementation of the obligation to popularize science

First of all, it must be affirmed that under China's top-down evaluation system, if the newly revised Law on Science Popularization and its various implementation rules and supporting measures really force that a certain amount of science popularization work must be completed in the conclusion of scientific research,

then scientists will definitely invest more time in science popularization. However, just as the author recently published two articles on "Hui Pu", "Why do Chinese scientists favor science popularization,

but lack action?" Opinion: What Scientists Do We Need for Science? As pointed out in the same, the increased content of popular science may be the popular science article of the work fraction.

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