Why are intellectual women paying the skincare IQ tax?

In fact, I do not like the term "IQ tax", saying as if I had a high IQ, the reason why it is used in the title is simply because it is "scary in simple terms".

Because of my work, whenever I meet a new girlfriend, I can't help but ask about skin care tips, and I seem to want to prove that those who love to think, independent women, bold female entrepreneurs, than the silly white sweet girl who knows more about skin care.

But the more we talked, the more shocked we got. It turns out that regardless of their educational level and IQ differences, girls' awareness of skin care is almost at the same level. While every girl has her own skincare regimen, a female doctor is no wiser than a junior high school student.

The other day, I was watching a friend (a friend of a friend, in fact) who has terminal breast cancer and who, as a former writer, occasionally writes for the public account, and I watched her share her daily diet, which includes a lot of toxic PARABEN parabens and, most distressing of all, paraben parabens. This artificial antiseptic is one of the invisible landmines of breast cancer. When she recommends these products, she will not introduce a certain ingredient inside, but like beauty bloggers, just because this one is "very delicate", "very smooth", that "no card powder" and "no mud".

Why is it that the simple logic of "composition determines efficacy", and the things that can be checked clearly by opening the "composition list", the miss sisters with high IQ float on the surface and cannot see the essence? This has always puzzled me.

Then I understand a little bit, skin care, maybe for some girls, not only skin care, but also a kind of social?

This kind of little sister also hopes that the skin will get better, but in comparison, sharing skin care experience is a kind of social for them, perhaps like buying a leather bag of tens of thousands of yuan, buying not a bag, but the added value brought by the bag, is the eye of friends, in this way, it does not care so much about whether the bag is good to use.

Through many observations and surveys, I categorize "skincare consumers" into three categories:

  1. Be social over skincare

  2. Skincare is more important than socializing

  3. Skin care is skin care

"Skin care is greater than social" group is the most, about 60% of women, as the name implies that the willingness to maintain the skin is far more than social, but also willing to try all the advertising has the benefit of skin care products, there are many of them really understand the skin care common sense of the sister, but still more or less by the side of the girlfriend encouraged, Try products that don't really help your skin.

The most common type of people around me is the third type of "skin care is skin care", people are divided into groups... Including four year old users, they are all girls who only see the essence. Before he was four years old, he was a user of organic skin care products, such as Julico, Aesop, FANCL, and Yuemu Source.

You may ask me, what is this "essence"? What should a good skin care product look like?

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