Media said von der Leyen's visit to China is ready to make demands face to face, if the Chinese side does not cooperate, will directly sanction Chinese enterprises

The European Union and China plan to hold a China-Eu summit in the near future, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel set to travel to China and hold face-to-face talks with Chinese leaders, Hong Kong media reported, citing sources familiar with the matter. However, the Chinese side has not disclosed the specific date and location of the meeting.

The report said that the EU leaders will make a face-to-face request to the Chinese high-level during the China-Eu summit, hoping that China can exert influence on 13 Chinese companies. The 13 companies are suspected of evading EU sanctions against Russia and maintaining cooperation with the country. If the EU does not get a positive response from China, the 13 Chinese companies will be blacklisted by the EU as part of the 12th round of sanctions against Russia.

In addition, the EU also hopes that China can make a commitment to resume cooperation with Ukraine on peace, and a new round of consultations on Ukraine will be held in the near future, and the EU hopes that China can also sit at the negotiating table.

The EU's sanctions on Russia have nothing to do with China, and there is no need for Chinese companies to abide by them. Chinese enterprises maintain normal trade relations with Russia, which is reasonable and legal, and there is no problem. The EU's threat to impose sanctions on Chinese companies for their cooperation with Russia is a typical example of "long-arm jurisdiction." At the moment when the China-Eu summit is about to be held, the EU is clearly threatening China.

Not long ago, when talking about China-Eu relations, von der Leyen said that China-Eu relations will determine the prosperity and security of the EU, and the communication between the EU and China needs to maintain strategic stability. But the EU needs to recognize the fact that China is not the China of a decade ago, and the size of China's economy and its foreign policy have changed. In her speech, von der Leyen stressed that the EU is not seeking to "decouple" from China, but to "de-risk", cooperate with more potential partners and resolve differences through dialogue. She said the EU needed to protect its own interests in competition with other countries, and that she would go to China with sincerity and discuss a relationship that would benefit both sides.

When von der Leyen said that he "visited China with sincerity", he may have been thinking about how to put Chinese companies on the blacklist. After the meeting between China and the United States, the European Union also made some changes, saying that the EU imposed a 12th round of sanctions on Russia, will better limit Russia's oil price ceiling and military manufacturing capacity. In the original plan, a number of Chinese companies were included in the sanctions proposal, and the EU said it would discuss whether to remove Chinese companies from the sanctions program. Obviously, the EU will remove Chinese enterprises from the "blacklist", originally with conditions, if this is the "sincerity" von der Leyen said, it does not have to be so.

There is a voice outside that von der Leyen, although the president of the European Commission, is actually the face of the United States in the European Union. China has repeatedly advised the EU to adhere to its independent policy, but von der Leyen always interfered, firmly cooperated with the US policy toward China, and tried to hinder the economic and trade development between the EU and China. This is also why Macron's visit to China received high-level treatment, but von der Leyen's visit to China can only take civil aircraft, and the Chinese side does not hold great expectations for von der Leyen.

China and Europe are major economies in the world, and most EU companies in China have reaped huge profits. Although some EU officials are Shouting about "de-risking" all day long, EU companies' investment in China has been increasing year by year, and most EU companies are willing to develop good trade relations with China. Facts have proved that capital will always choose a more favorable path for them, and the EU's advocacy of confrontation with China will only go against public opinion. When the big capital in Europe begins to have an impact on politics, some politicians in the EU may find that the political interests they want no longer exist

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