World Cup 5.74 million luxury prize exposure! China table tennis 8 people partition plan came out, Fan Zhendong Africa first

The recent mixed Team World Cup has come to an end, and China has won the title with a strong victory over South Korea. After this victory, it is of course a very happy thing for the main team. Because they completed the task of the most important event at the end of the year, they can relax and continue to prepare for the Paris Olympic Games next year.

Of course, for fans, after the end of this game is also concerned about another very important issue, that is, after Fan Zhendong these main forces have paid so much effort and sweat, how much money can they get? Because for a group of players, in addition to the results, the bonus is also a very important part. It can improve the lives of these players, so that they can get better training environment and conditions in the future. From the latest news released by the International Table Tennis Federation, this time the World Cup has indeed prepared a very luxurious bonus, and the national table tennis team will be able to share a lot of money.

According to previous media reports, when the International table Tennis League predicted the World Cup event, it announced the total prize money of this competition as high as 800,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to about 5.74 million yuan. This means that the team that can get good results this time will be able to share the luxury bonus of more than five million, although more than five million is not a national table tennis team alone, but the champion team can naturally get the big head. Unfortunately, the organizing committee has not yet announced how much money the champion, runner-up, third place and subsequent teams can get. However, according to the convention, the national table tennis team should get more than one million bonuses this time.

In this way, once you get the luxury bonus of more than one million, how to divide the eight main players of the next national table tennis team? This is also a question of great interest to everyone. If you want to know the answer, we may wish to make a specific guess and analysis according to the past practice of China table hockey reward.

First of all, according to the convention, who contributes more and who has stronger scoring ability, who can get more prize money. Looking back at the mixed team World Cup, we can find that the performance of Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong, Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu are very good, and normally they can get quite a lot of bonuses. Of course, compared with Fan Zhendong, perhaps Captain Malone should get the highest bonus. As a captain, he is not only a player, but also helps the coach to unite the team and deal with the opposition. For example, when there was a dispute with the French team before, Malone also took the initiative to grasp the other side after the game, and won the praise of the French coach, which well resolved the misunderstanding between them.

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