Supermarkets gradually "double line service"

In recent years, a lot of work has been done to promote commercial insurance to improve the underwriting capacity, which has strongly promoted the development of the insurance industry.

In recent years, China's commercial insurance has always maintained a rapid development rate, the types of products are increasingly rich, and the scope of services is constantly expanded.

At present, the commercial health insurance sold by the insurance industry includes disease insurance, medical insurance, medical accident insurance, nursing insurance and disability income loss insurance, which have five categories and a total of more than 5,000 products.

In the first 10 months of 2019, health insurance premium income reached 614.1 billion yuan, up 30.7 percent year on year. In the past five years, the growth rate of commercial health insurance has been about 30%, and the development is very fast.

In the first 10 months of 2019, the compensation expenditure was 183.8 billion yuan, an increase of 37.28% year-on-year, and the insured accumulated more than 1.1 trillion yuan of long-term health insurance risk reserves. It has played a positive role in meeting the diversified, multi-level and personalized health security needs of the people.

At present, there is still a problem of insufficient effective supply of health insurance. In the next step, we will deepen the structural reform of the financial supply side through policy guidance,

improve the system, strengthen supervision and regulate competition, promote the innovation of the health insurance guarantee content, expand the coverage, improve the level of protection, improve the service capacity, and maintain a healthy and steady development. The main measures are as follows:

First, further deepen the reform of the system and mechanism of insurance institutions. The current lack of underwriting capacity is also related to the institutional mechanism. Comparatively speaking,

the higher operation and management cost of insurance companies is related to the current system and mechanism of insurance companies, which will also restrict the underwriting ability of insurance companies.

Second, we should increase the innovation of insurance products and increase the supply capacity of insurance products. To promote innovation in commercial health insurance through technological empowerment.

Now entering the era of big data, insurance is a big data formula in the traditional sense, and the basic principle of insurance is the law of large numbers. Big data means that informatization can rapidly accumulate massive data, and massive data is the basis for accurately calculating various risks and losses.

Third, we should open wider to the outside world. The development history of China's commercial insurance is relatively short, and there are obvious shortcomings in personnel training, experience accumulation and technical improvement. By opening wider to the outside world, we can introduce advanced management experience, advanced technology and outstanding talents.

Fourth, we must actively strive for policy support. The development of commercial insurance needs certain policy support. In recent years, the state has provided a lot of policy support for commercial insurance,

such as the pilot of tax-advantaged health insurance and the pilot of tax-deferred commercial pension insurance. The next step is to continue to make good use of these policies while actively seeking policy support from other sectors.Shanghai: Business activity gradually resumed "fireworks" gradually returned

Recently, Shanghai issued the "Notice on Accelerating the resumption of business and trade enterprises in the city", and enterprises in the field of business and trade gradually promoted the resumption of work and production, and the "fireworks gas" of the megacities is gradually returning.

Supermarkets gradually "double line service"

As of May 5, 1,193 of the 1,626 stores of 12 key supermarket chains in Shanghai have resumed business, of which 220 stores have resumed offline business. Shanghai residents are starting to go offline again.

Carrefour introduced that at present, the company is located in Putuo District, Qingpu District, Songjiang District and other nine stores have restarted offline business. By May 8, it is expected that 80% of Carrefour's Shanghai stores will resume offline operations, serving consumers in a "dual line" approach.

Gu Jun, director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, introduced that the relevant supermarket outlets implement the "two-line service" model of "online ordering and delivery" and "offline consumption in the store",

providing in-store services for residents in the prevention area, and providing "online ordering and delivery" services for residents in the sealed and controlled areas.

According to the newly issued Notice on Accelerating the resumption of business and trade enterprises in the City, on the premise of taking good epidemic prevention and control measures, Shanghai will ensure that supermarkets,

convenience stores, shopping centers, e-commerce platforms, farmers' markets, fresh vegetables and fruits, catering, daily commodities, pharmaceutical circulation and other commercial enterprises outlets and nodes, as well as enterprises that provide urban distribution services for the above enterprises "should be fully restored."

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