State Financial Regulatory Administration: This year, commercial banks have lent 935 billion yuan through "white list" projects

The fourth innovative measure to optimize the resolution of commercial disputes opens the "green channel" to help the continuous optimization of the business environment

In order to help optimize the business environment governed by law, improve the efficiency of the review of enterprise-related sales contract disputes, and achieve the "acceleration" of resolving commercial disputes, Shuangyashan Intermediate People's Court insists on active performance of its duties,

constantly innovates mechanisms, and formulated the "Shuangyashan Intermediate People's Court Establishes the Green Channel for the Review and Review of enterprise-related Sales Contract Disputes (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). Improve the quality and efficiency of dispute resolution of enterprise-related sales contracts.

The "Measures" clearly set up a green channel for enterprise-related sales contract disputes in the litigation service center window, establish a "green label" supervision mechanism for enterprise-related sales contract cases,

optimize and reengineer procedures in all aspects of "adjustment, establishment, review, and execution", professional pre-litigation mediation, professional rapid filing, and rapid filing, court scheduling, and priority service for cases that fail to be mediated.

Compress the circulation time of each node, realize the "fast adjustment", "fast creation", "fast review" and "fast execution" of sales contract dispute cases, help the whole process "big growth rate" with the "small speed up" of each link, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of sales contract dispute cases, and respond to the demands of enterprises in a timely manner.

A technology company and Tian Mou sales contract dispute case, the enterprise through the "dragon law and" cloud court small procedure to consult, Tian Mou arrears the payment of the enterprise more than 5600 yuan.

The judge learned that the case was a dispute involving an enterprise sales contract, the facts were clear, the relationship between rights and obligations was clear, immediately launched the "green channel",

and after seeking the consent of the parties, the dispute was quickly assigned to a professional people's mediator to carry out mediation. Through video mediation and patient interpretation, the two sides finally reached a mediation agreement,

and paid part of the payment on the spot, and the dispute was resolved in only one day. A technology company said that the green channel of enterprise-related sales contract disputes opened by the court allows enterprises to resolve disputes at their doorstep, implement priority mediation for enterprise-related cases, and quickly file cases, further reducing the litigation burden of enterprises.

State Financial Regulatory Administration: This year, commercial banks have lent 935 billion yuan through "white list" projects

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policy of The State Council on the afternoon of the 17th, and the officials of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Natural Resources,

the People's Bank of China, and the State Financial Supervision and Administration introduced the relevant information about the supporting policies for ensuring the delivery of housing work and answered questions from reporters. The following is the transcript:

We have noticed that recently, many commercial banks have expressed their support for "white list" projects, and many real estate companies have also indicated that some projects have been supported. Could you please introduce the support policies of commercial banks for the "white list" project? thank you.

Xiao Yuanqi, Deputy Director of the State Financial Regulatory Administration:

The General Administration of Financial Supervision guides commercial banks to actively connect with the city coordination mechanism, requiring these banks to establish a four-level linkage rapid response mechanism between the head office, provincial branches,

second-level sub-branches and handling banks, forming a four-level linkage rapid response mechanism from the head office to the province, to the city, and to handling banks, and using models such as "review and integration" to minimize the time limit for business handling.

Since January this year, we and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development together issued the "Notice on the establishment of Urban Real Estate Financing coordination Mechanism",

as of May 16, commercial banks have approved the "white list" project loan amount of 935 billion yuan according to the internal approval process. Measures are mainly taken in the following aspects:

First, strengthen organizational leadership. Major commercial banks are required to set up a special work class, led by the bank leadership, the corresponding departments such as customer marketing, credit approval, risk management and other departments as members, to form a work force.

Second, it is required to actively participate in the work of the urban coordination mechanism. Under the coordination mechanism, participate in the audit and check the projects included in the "white list" according to the corresponding conditions and standards.

Third, establish a green channel. Banks are required to optimize the process of loan approval and issuance, moderate decentralization of approval authority, accelerate the speed of lending, project access, rating, credit, post-credit and other aspects can be managed separately,

allowing a single line of credit. At the same time, it is also necessary to formulate specific rules for the exemption of due diligence, for the grass-roots bank and relevant employees have been diligent in accordance with the requirements of due diligence, and due to force majeure factors that lead to the risk of loans, to be exempted.

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