Teeth don't grow well these habits should be changed

The growth of the baby's teeth will not only affect the appearance of the face, but also affect the growth and development.

Licking teeth, biting lips, chewing on one side and other habits can cause the baby's teeth to grow badly, parents should pay attention to timely correction.

He often licks his teeth with the tip of his tongue

Children's tooth replacement period is longer, generally takes 6 to 7 years, during this period if the baby develops the habit of licking teeth, such as when the milk teeth loose like to use the tip of the tongue to lick, after forming a habit and unconsciously to lick the new permanent teeth, the teeth are licked outward thrust, time is easy to make the crown tilt to the front and cause the upper and lower lips are not easy to close the "open lip teeth" deformity.

Love biting the upper or lower lip

Some babies, due to insecurity, boredom, lack of company, etc., will seek comfort through the subconscious act of biting their lips.

Often bite lips, not only easy to bite and cheilitis and other oral problems, but also long-term repeated bite lips, can also cause the upper incisor teeth or lower incisor are squeezed and cause the incisor teeth to move backward, if often bite the upper lip, can cause the front teeth back, jaw protruding forward, often bite the lower lip will lead to the front teeth protruding, jaw retraction, the upper lip becomes thick and short, open state, teeth exposed, Affect the appearance.

Always chewing on one side

Some babies always like to chew on one side when they eat, and when they chew on the side, due to the different biting force, the muscle contraction force of the healthy side is usually stronger than that of the less used side, and over time, it is easy to cause the muscle fiber density of the healthy side chewing, which looks more full, while the opposite side is prone to muscle atrophy, which causes the jaw and bite skew, and the left and right face shape. In particular, the jaw area is asymmetrical.

Love to bite things

Some children like to bite their fingers or put the pen into the mouth when they are bored or under great pressure, which is easy to cause poor contact between the upper and lower teeth of the parts where they often bite their fingers or the pen, and the teeth are crowded and uneven, forming local small open jaw deformities of the teeth.

In addition, if you bite hard objects, such as toys, sticks, etc., it will also damage the delicate baby teeth, gums and oral mucosa.

Don't pay attention to oral hygiene

Some babies like to eat sugar, but do not pay attention to the cleaning of the mouth, which may cause a large number of cariogenic bacteria on the tooth surface to "settle down" and form plaque, making the corrosion of the teeth worse, resulting in dental caries.

The phenomenon of "double row teeth" in children aged six or seven is not uncommon.

This condition is called "baby tooth retention", which means that the child's permanent teeth have erupted, but the baby teeth have not yet fallen out.

The retention of baby teeth can cause the abnormal direction and position of the eruption of permanent teeth, resulting in dental deformities, and increase the difficulty of dental hygiene maintenance, and aggravate the occurrence of dental caries.

Doctors suggest that teeth are also "used to retire", and the reasons for the retention of baby teeth are mostly lack of chewing and insufficient exercise, which makes it difficult to fall off.

In order to avoid this situation, after the eruption of baby teeth, children's diet should not be too fine, can eat a certain amount of hardness and high fiber food, while strengthening oral hygiene, in order to facilitate the spontaneous loss of baby teeth.

If the phenomenon of "baby tooth retention" occurs, the child should be taken to a doctor in time for professional treatment.

For the common "double row of teeth" phenomenon, the doctor will generally remove the retained deciduous teeth, reduce the resistance of the new permanent teeth, and slowly reset them. If there is no reduction, it must be "orthodontic" at the appropriate time to make the teeth line up.

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