Sleep is also a medicine

With the acceleration of the pace of life and the change of lifestyle, various sleep disorders have increasingly become a prominent public health problem and become a new epidemic of modern people.

Sleep problems can not be "shouldered", should cause enough attention. It is hoped that more people can understand the harm of insomnia and actively accept treatment.

Insomnia is the most common sleep problem in psychiatry. Chronic diseases, emotional problems, and lifestyle habits can all cause insomnia. In addition to the elderly, more and more young people are also suffering from insomnia. At present, the majority of patients treated in sleep wards are young and middle-aged.

Many young people because of graduation, postgraduate entrance examination, dormitory relationship, work pressure and other problems of anxiety, cause insomnia; At the same time, the reversed day and night schedule of some young people has also led to sleep disorders.

Doctors will provide targeted psychological treatment, behavioral training, and physical therapy such as transcranial magnetic stimulation for patients who need it

"Poor sleep" not only means low energy during the day, but the risk of physical and mental illness is greatly increased.

Insomnia can cause physical and mental health problems. Long-term follow-up has found that people with insomnia are twice as likely to suffer from physical diseases and three times as likely to suffer from psychological problems such as depression.

The sleep disorders ward focuses on patients with primary sleep disorders, those with mental and psychological problems accompanied by sleep problems, and those with physical diseases accompanied by sleep problems.

When insomnia and other sleep disorders have affected life and emotions, you should seek medical help in time.

Sleep disorder ward, elegant quiet tones can make people calm quickly. The sleep disorder ward integrates polysomnography test, sleep disorder outpatient treatment and hospitalization treatment

. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive and systematic diagnosis and treatment for the patient, and under the polysomnea test, the patient's brain wave, eye movement, breathing, heart rate and other information will be transmitted to the data analysis center of the sleep ward.

The treatment plan integrates drug, psychological and physical therapy, and doctors will carry out targeted psychological treatment and behavioral training for patients, and also carry out physical therapy such as transcranial magnetic stimulation for patients who need it, and also make them adjust their work and rest habits through regular reminders.

At present, the expert team is developing sleep disorder outpatient and online treatment programs, so that people can use their spare time to receive treatment.

The expert revealed that outpatient and online treatment programs for sleep disorders are being developed to make it easier for people to receive treatment in their spare time.

The level of human hormone secretion has a fixed rhythm, and the secretion rhythm of melatonin, which is closely related to sleep, is consistent with the rhythm of sunrise and sunset.

It is hoped that people will be as active as possible during the day, expend energy, and accumulate "sleep momentum", and try to stay quiet at night.

For napping, the expert said that people with sleep disorders are not encouraged to nap, and if they must sleep, they should not exceed half an hour.

As for the popular use of melatonin or self-administered sedatives, Yuan Chengmei said that melatonin can regulate sleep problems caused by sleep rhythm disorders, and is suitable for jet lag.

Sleeping pills are best taken under the guidance of a doctor to reduce the risk of drug dependence and increased tolerance.

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