Skin can also perceive the color of the quilt

  1. Motivation

Motivation is the sleep drive, which is what we often call sleepiness. The more sleepy you are, the easier it is to fall asleep.

How does sleepiness come about? Quite simply, as long as you stay awake long enough, your body will naturally accumulate sleepiness. If you sleep too much during the day, you weaken the sleep drive. So, if you're having trouble falling asleep at night, I suggest you try canceling your daytime nap first.

However, sometimes obviously tired into a dog, or can not sleep, how is it? This brings us to the second factor: rhythm.

  1. Rhythm

Rhythm, refers to the circadian rhythm. The old saying "work at sunrise and rest at sunset" is the result of circadian rhythms. The circadian rhythm is like a "physical activity schedule" in your body, and many physiological activities such as eating, drinking, sleeping and sleeping are carried out according to this schedule.

At the same time, the table will be matched with day and night, and the end result is to keep you in the most appropriate state at different times of the 24 hours, you can sleep when you should sleep, and you can stay awake when you work.

How do you control your circadian rhythm?

The most important mind method is: go out during the day and avoid the light at night. In other words, you use the power of light.

Go out during the day, that is, to be exposed to outdoor light from time to time during the day.

At the same time, it is very important to avoid light at night, if you always brush your mobile phone for a long time before going to bed, it is easy to push the rhythm backward: tend to sleep late and get up late.

In fact, whether it is driving force or circadian rhythm, both of which are relatively easy to solve, the biggest problem in sleep problems is the third factor: sleep resistance.

  1. Sleep resistance

Sleep resistance is anything that prevents you from sleeping. I compare them to six locks that lock the door to your sleep. These six locks are: condition, movement, body, mind, medicine, and sleep.

Environment: refers to the sleep environment, including sound, light, temperature and humidity.

Line: refers to sleep behavior. The wrong behaviors can interfere with sleep, such as lying in bed when nothing is wrong, sleeping too much during the day, drinking alcohol before bed, etc.

Body: refers to changes in the body, including physiological changes and diseases. For example, women do not sleep well during menstruation, pregnancy, and sleep poorly when they are old.

Heart: refers to psychological and emotional stress, but also includes anxiety and depression and other mental disorders.

Drugs: Drugs that interfere with your sleep. Elderly people have many diseases, often take a lot of drugs, some drugs will interfere with sleep, this time it is necessary to adjust the drug program.

Sleep: Refers to a specific sleep disorder. For example, severe snoring, resulting in a lack of oxygen. Also, some people will be lying in bed at night when the body inexplicably uncomfortable, need to get up to walk a walk and so on.

You will find that the secret of sleep is that you don't need to exert yourself on sleep itself, you just have to deal with these resistance, and sleep will come naturally.

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