the "head" of Honor's research and development department, was removed for violating the code of business conduct

the heating area of Jinan Energy Group has reached 290 million square meters. With the "project breakthrough year" and "Project deepening Year" as the total traction, Jinan Energy Group has successively implemented stone heat into the economy and chat heat into the economy projects,

which will increase the heating capacity of more than 100 million square meters by the end of 2025. Taking the long-haul heat source project of the North Line of Chat Heat being implemented as an example, the pipeline network is 105 kilometers long,

transporting heat sources from the power plant to the urban area of Jinan, and the heating area can cover 70 million square meters. In the future, the western external heat source will enter the Dangyang Road pumping station in Jinan City from the southwest,

and supply to the former Minghu thermal Power Plant heating area through Liuchangshan Road, West Second Ring Road, Jingshi Road, Jingyi Road and other heat network main lines, which can effectively improve the comfort and stability of the heating area.

It is worth mentioning that the project adopts advanced large temperature difference heat transfer technology, through the construction of large temperature difference units in the energy station and the existing heat exchange station,

the temperature difference of heating supply and return water can be pulled from the conventional 60 ° C to more than 90 ° C, and the heat transfer under the same diameter can be increased by 50%,

maximizing the heating capacity of long-term transport heat source. After the completion of the project, it can not only meet the heating needs of the people at the present stage, but also lay a solid foundation for promoting coal-free heating in the central urban area of Jinan.

"After the official closure, the Minghu thermal power plant plot will usher in a rebirth." The relevant person in charge of Jinan Energy Group said that according to the plan, the group will implement urban renewal construction through energy transformation and structural adjustment,

and create a high-quality commercial residential area with reference to the use of the surrounding land, improve the overall image of the main urban area, improve the quality of the surrounding environment,

and improve the happiness and sense of gain of residents. At present, the land maturation work of Minghu thermal power plant has entered the preliminary preparation stage, and will be better integrated into the surrounding areas of Daming Lake with a new look.

Deng Bin, the "head" of Honor's research and development department, was removed for violating the code of business conduct

Deng Bin, president of Honor's research and development management department, was removed for violating BCG (business conduct guideline). However, the relevant people of Honor did not further disclose the reason for removal.

On the evening of May 16, Honor Terminal Co., Ltd. issued an internal notice that Deng Bin, president of Honor R & D Management Department, was removed for violating BCG, but the specific reasons have not been announced. It is reported that Deng Bin is the "head" of the R&D department of Honor Company and manages the product research and development of Honor Company.

The information shows that Deng Bin currently serves as the legal representative of Shanghai Honor Smart Technology Development Co., LTD., and also serves as the chairman of Shanghai Honor Smart Technology Development Co., LTD.

Public information shows: Shanghai Honor Intelligent Technology Development Co., LTD., founded in 2023, located in Shanghai, is an enterprise mainly engaged in software and information technology service industry.

On January 10 this year, Honor officially released its self-developed operating system MagicOS 8.0 at the developer conference. In addition, the Honor Magic6 series released a self-developed 7 billion parameter (7B) end-to-side AI large model "Magic Big Model".

In an interview after the press conference, Deng Bin shared the upgrade of the core experience brought by MagicOS 8.0 platform-level AI, as well as the idea of Glory application end-to-side large model.

In the first quarter of this year, the Honor mobile phone market performed well. Honor ranked first in China with a 17.1% market share in the first quarter, up 13.2% from a year earlier,

according to IDC. IDC believes that Honor has made steady progress in the high-end market over the past period of time, especially in the $600 and above, Honor occupies nearly 10% of the share.

Zhongke Vision Language attended the 2024AI Creation Conference and talked about the change of business model driven by AI

Today, sponsored by China's science and technology industry think tank "Jiazi Light Year" and co-organized by Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science City, the "AI Creation Era - 2024 Jiazi Gravity X Technology Industry New Wind" conference was held in Beijing.

The conference gathered experts and scholars from around the world, business leaders, industry elites, big investors, founders of technology companies and other top figures. We will discuss the development trend of AI technology and the opportunities and challenges of AI application.

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