Hainan: Implement visa-free policy for inbound tourists from 59 countries

The "Opinions" attach great importance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of civil aviation passengers: First, strict identification standards and procedures. The second is to clarify the removal mechanism and validity period, and the restriction period is clearly limited to one year. Third, it clarifies the litigation guidance of the Supreme People's Court.

From May 1, certain serious dishonest people will be restricted from taking trains

According to the opinions on Appropriately restricting Certain serious untrustworthy people from taking trains to Promote the Construction of a social credit System, which was jointly issued by several departments recently,

certain serious untrustworthy people will be restricted from taking trains from May 1, according to the China Railway Corporation. The railway Corporation will issue implementation measures supporting the opinions.

The "Opinions" clearly restrict the scope of taking the train includes two categories: First, if the person responsible for the behavior that seriously affects the safety of railway operation and production safety is punished by the public security organ or the railway station unit,

the person responsible for the behavior is restricted from taking the train. The second is the person responsible for serious violations of law and dishonesty in other fields, and the person responsible for the behavior is restricted to take high-level seats on the train, including the soft sleeper on the train, all seats on G-head EMU trains, and more than first-class seats on other EMU trains.

Among them, the scope of the first category of restrictions "seriously affect the safety of railway operation and production safety related acts of the responsible person is punished by the public security organ or the railway station unit" specifically includes:

1.Disrupting the order of railway station transport and endangering railway safety, causing serious adverse social impact; 2. Smoking on EMU trains or in non-smoking areas of other trains;

3.Investigated and investigated ticket scalping, manufacturing and selling counterfeit tickets; 4. Fraudulently using preferential (pending) identity documents, using forged or invalid preferential (pending) identity documents to purchase tickets and travel;

5.Holding forged, expired and other invalid tickets or falsely using tickets reported for loss; 6. No ticket, overstep the station (seat) and refuse to make up the ticket; 7. Administrative penalties should be imposed according to relevant laws and regulations.

The interim regulations on express delivery came into effect in May, with a maximum penalty of 100,000 yuan for revealing senders' privacy

On March 27, China's first administrative regulation specifically for the express industry, the Interim Regulations on Express delivery, was promulgated, and the "Articles" will come into effect on May 1, 2018. The Regulations make clear provisions on the protection of users' electronic data information and how to claim compensation after the loss of express goods.

According to the Regulations, no unit or individual may illegally inspect other people's express mail unless the relevant departments inspect the express mail in accordance with the law. No unit or individual may open,

conceal, destroy, discard or resell others' express articles without authorization. Enterprises operating express delivery business and their employees selling, leaking or illegally providing express delivery services to the user information they know, the case is serious, the maximum fine of 100,000 yuan.

The fourth set of yuan notes will be suspended

The Central bank recently announced that the fourth set of 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 2 yuan, 2 yuan, 2 yuan, and 2 yuan coins (the fourth set of RMB partial notes) will be discontinued in the market from May 1, 2018.

We use the fifth set of RMB in our daily life. The fourth set of RMB was issued from April 27, 1987 to April 1, 1997, with a total of 9 denominations and 14 kinds of notes, which has a history of 30 years.

Local laws and regulations

Hainan: Implement visa-free policy for inbound tourists from 59 countries

The Ministry of Public Security recently held a press conference at which the National Immigration Administration announced that with the approval of The State Council, the visa-free policy for inbound tourists from 59 countries has been implemented in Hainan Province since May 1, 2018, and the visa-free stay is 30 days.

Compared with the past, the visa-free entry policy implemented this time includes three aspects: First, the scope of visa-free countries is expanded, and the number of countries applicable to the visa-free entry policy is relaxed from 26 to 59 countries,

which is conducive to encouraging more foreigners to travel to Hainan and forming a more open pattern; The second is to extend the visa-free stay from 15 days or 21 days to 30 days, to promote the more active development of the inbound tourism market;

The third is to relax the restrictions on the number of visa-free people, on the premise of retaining the invitation reception mode of travel agencies, the group visa exemption will be relaxed to individual visa exemption, to meet the needs of foreign tourists.

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