Build science diplomacy with Chinese characteristics

The public health programs implemented by the US military in Southeast Asia and other regions are used to support the forward deployment of the US military in Southeast Asia, which reflects the US view of science diplomacy as a tool of geopolitical struggle.

Especially in recent years, the United States regards China as a strategic competitor and uses "science" as a tool to carry out science and technology war against China. In December 2017, the United States issued a report saying that geopolitical competition is taking place in the Indo-Pacific region,

accusing and slandering China's relevant science foreign policy of posing economic, value and security challenges to the United States, thereby promoting scientific and technological "decoupling" from China and limiting China's scientific and industrial development. It also promoted the so-called "clean Web Program" to maintain its scientific monopoly.

Build science diplomacy with Chinese characteristics

There is no doubt that science diplomacy has its rationality and positive significance. Scientific research is becoming more sophisticated, the development of state-to-state relations and the maintenance of a peaceful environment are becoming more complex,

and traditional diplomatic means are unable to solve the global problems facing mankind. Because science is professional and neutral, engaging diplomacy can help better address these challenges,

but several principles should be upheld to overcome its own limitations and the problems of Western-led "science diplomacy." First, we should uphold the sovereign equality of all countries and share the fruits of scientific cooperation.

We will treat developing countries as equal partners in scientific cooperation, help them improve their scientific capacity and level, and create a favorable international environment for the further development of science diplomacy.

Second, we should adhere to scientific principles. Science diplomacy promotes exchanges between countries in a way that is easy for all countries to understand through scientific language, which is conducive to enhancing mutual trust and jointly addressing challenges.

Third, we should adhere to the common interests. In an international community dominated by nation-states, it is natural for diplomacy to safeguard sovereignty and pursue national interests. Seeking a balance of interests accepted by all countries through science is the direction of the development of scientific diplomacy.

For a long time, China's science diplomacy has mainly focused on "bringing in", focusing on introducing advanced science and technology from abroad.

At present, the level of scientific development in China has been greatly improved, but there is still much room for progress. In recent years, in the face of the "science diplomacy" of Western developed countries,

especially the United States, which is characterized by anti-globalization and strengthening the awareness of geo-competition, China is still "choked" by Western developed countries in some key scientific fields,

and the United States even damaged China's international image in the name of "science". In this regard, in addition to the fundamental response of increasing domestic scientific investment, optimizing scientific mechanisms,

cultivating scientific talents, and then making every effort to build scientific capacity and improve scientific level, China also needs to formulate and form a science diplomacy strategy, direction and focus with its own characteristics and adapt to the new situation.

First, strategically highlight the position of science diplomacy in China's overall diplomacy. Science diplomacy is not limited to the field of science. In reality, science diplomacy is more reflected in other fields or a certain diplomatic action and process.

To enhance the status of science diplomacy in the overall diplomacy, formulate science diplomacy strategies that meet the scientific level of one's own and the actual needs of the international community,

and give full play to scientific advantages in diplomacy in other fields such as politics, economy and military affairs, is conducive to scientifically and reasonably safeguarding and expanding national interests,

and enhance moral advantages in the process. Second, speed up China's science diplomacy "going global". With the improvement of China's scientific level, "going out" with scientific aid as its main content should gradually become an important part of China's scientific diplomacy strategy.

Strengthen scientific cooperation with developing countries, international organizations and national scientific bodies through "going global", and build its own scientific diplomatic network; Take the initiative to participate in and shape the international agenda,

build a new type of state-to-state relations, ease the geopolitical pressure imposed on China by Western developed countries, and at the same time create a better international environment for "importing" and promoting domestic scientific innovation.

Third, science diplomacy focuses on providing public goods to the international community and helping developing countries build scientific capacity. The outbreak of COVID-19 and its global spread show that the challenges facing all countries in public space and governance are becoming more prominent,

and scientific methods and expertise are needed to address them. In particular, developing countries are facing more serious bottlenecks in scientific capacity building in public health and other fields, and they urgently need scientific external assistance.

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