Any end product, behind the functional surface, there are changes in technical logic and commercial value considerations.

with the target users - urban white-collar workers, government officials, lawyers, journalists, foreign trade practitioners, multinational company management and securities analysts and other groups,

the high-frequency application of these headphones is actually equivalent to the formation of a variety of vertical fields of specific semantic labels and do parameter extraction, so it is able to build large-scale mass office data (database).

The value of data is unparalleled.

"From the first principles of large models, a large model needs three elements: computing power, algorithms and data." "Among them, data is the key," said Wang Song, CTO of Future Intelligence.

Maxiao elaborates further: "We do vertical scenes. If we insist on deep cultivation of the scene, there will be a lot of data we can collect and organize on this scene. Our headphones are not all-powerful, we just have to be better than others in this scene."

Become a more natural AI personal assistant

Compared with the iFLYBUDS Nano series of office conference earphones launched by Future Intelligence in 2023, the technology and business thinking behind the launch of "iFLYBUDS Pro 2, iFLYBUDS 2 and Kit 2" have also been iterated.

Any end product, behind the functional surface, there are changes in technical logic and commercial value considerations.

The choice of technology should be based on a variety of factors, such as cost, the breadth and depth of solving a problem or meeting a need, the stage of technology development,

the technical capabilities of the supply chain, and different business strategies and objectives. These factors combine to create a commercial product that can be seen or perceived by users on the B or C end.

So, what are the three new products, technology and business thinking iterations brought about by this future intelligence? What is the incremental value to C users?

This brings us to the third meaning of Machao's expression: "We have built a very practical AI conference assistant." Obviously, the core iteration is "AI Conference (personal) Assistant." At the same time, this iteration also follows the three core guiding elements of future intelligent product development: more natural, more efficient, and more reliable.

To understand the original point of this new iteration of technology, you can start with the value thinking of the future intelligent CPO Liuda on the office conference headset they developed.

In general, Liuda believes that the greatest value created by future intelligence in promoting GAI technology to improve the production efficiency of C-end users is, first of all, to realize the equality of high-quality and high-value services with high prices through the technology platform.

For example: now there are not many people who can afford private secretaries or assistants, just a small part, but with the development of GAI technology, through the form of tools (intelligent terminals),

so that everyone has an intelligent AI assistant or AI secretary with real intelligence, to help the C end to solve various work and even life problems, which is called affirmative action.

The office meeting headset launched by Future Intelligence has a perceptive entry point for its GAI technology called "viaim AI". The ability of this portal will become the standard for all types of smart headsets in the future.

Therefore, in the future, a wide range of smart headphones thus constitute a technology platform, which can objectively achieve the equality of high-quality and high-value services with high prices.

"This is the future [of intelligence]. What we want to do is to make the product eventually become the user's assistant, like a human assistant, with five senses and six senses, can see, hear, perceive, and ultimately complete the user's 'asked' work." "This is a business model that we will continue to explore," Mr. Liuda said.

As a personal secretary or assistant, the work to be done involves a wide range of tasks. In addition to the common meeting minutes, making meeting summaries, arranging work schedules,

etc., the current high-frequency strong demand - such as the real-time translation function provided by some mobile phones, the future intelligent office conference headset also has this function.

Different from the text translation of mobile phones, the translation application of intelligent iFlytek conference headphones in the future follows the principle of "more natural".

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