"TA broken circle" helps brand businesses tap the incremental crowd

At the same time, the use of brand area, ShowMax search card, real-time chase investment, you can enhance the brand influence at the same time, to ensure transactions and transformation, really pull from the public domain to the private domain, and then to the search of the full contact screen link.

Through this set of "global hegemon screen" business ideas, the brand can most efficiently reach the huge customer base, and constantly screen out the intention of the brand has a good impression of the crowd, or the recent purchase plan of the consumer group,

imported into the private domain to achieve re-operation. And this critical first step, to a certain extent, also determines the upper limit of the subsequent business can break out - just like the funnel model often used in e-commerce operations, only the upper funnel is large and wide enough, and the bottom business pool can be as deep and accurate as possible.

Cross category penetration

"TA broken circle" helps brand businesses tap the incremental crowd

If the global screen is the first step for brand merchants to operate business, it magnifies the brand's own potential energy and captures the interested crowd, then how to reach more potential customers outside the interested crowd and find the increment is also an important proposition.

"TA broke the circle" for brand businesses, is the second key link in the operation. 618 coincides with the change of seasons, which is one of the most active time points of the year for users.

At this important marketing node, brands should not only grasp the original customer base, but also be good at breaking through themselves, finding those consumer needs that have not been tapped, exploring out, and taking the initiative to broaden the business boundaries.

In March this year, Ali Mother released LMA large model technology, bringing new opportunities for businesses to achieve crowd breaking.

The biggest breakthrough of this new technology is based on the ability of multi-modal large models to achieve the accurate grasp of consumer demand, thus greatly improving the matching efficiency of people and goods.

To put it simply, LMA is based on Ali's self-developed large language model to achieve large-scale multi-modal representation of e-commerce landscape pre-training, can have a deep integration of text, image, video and other modes of goods, and then combined with massive consumer behavior data to fine-tune the model, so that the model can be more understanding of people.

For example, in the past, when a fishing lover searched for a fishing rod on the e-commerce platform, its home page would basically be occupied by the recommendation information of fishing rod products,

in fact, the user may also need to buy fishing line, fishing hooks, buoys and other supporting tools, more likely to buy raincoats, fisherman's hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, water bottles and other outdoor supplies - which means that,

Now through LMA, the platform can better understand the user's life scenario, help businesses accurately tap business opportunities, and achieve cross-category break.

This year 618, based on LMA, Damopan launched the "TA crowd operation solution", which will cover the full link crowd operation before the investment - the investment - the investment. Before the launch,

it will define the brand to attract new people; In the launch, continue to detect potential target groups, accelerate category penetration and cross-category break; After the launch, evaluate the post-investment value so that the business can operate sustainably.

At the same time, this year's 618, Ali Mother also based on the user's consumption track characteristics, the line of high marketing value of the 15 "most series" of people, such as the most tide circle market crowd,

the most re-purchase potential crowd. Great promotion marketing has high value and strong precision, which can help businesses to more accurately reach the most relevant and most likely consumers in 618, and further tap the incremental customer base.

Guarantee deterministic transformation

"Full scene accurate efficiency" to achieve full scene efficiency

In summary, in the "three things for business growth" proposed by Ali's mother, brand businesses gather brand interest groups through the "global bully screen", and find cross-category incremental customer groups through the "TA break circle", but how do these really become brand fans?

This also requires the last step - "full scene accurate improvement" in the crowd, keywords, content, and goods. For the brand, this step is the key to achieve "product and effect integration".

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