Focus on core consumers and merchants

Brands should have a long-term value proposition

In the context of the development of "new quality productivity", the industry's high attention to "new quality productivity" reflects the brand's expectations for future growth, where "quality" refers to "quality", and from the perspective of brand people,

"quality" is the brand. Qiu Wenbin, founder of Baozun, chairman and CEO of Baozun Group, made an opening speech with "wisdom" and "quality". Qiu Wenbin stressed that in the new era, brands should be more clear about their long-term value positioning.

In addition to the traditional demand chain cooperation with brands, in the supply chain, Baozun is also actively expanding, further expanding and extending the service, data and solutions in the brand value chain, so as to provide more value to the brand.

In his speech, Yang Li, Managing director and global senior partner of Boston Consulting Group, analyzed the macroeconomic development and consumer market trends of brands from the three patterns of large,

small and medium-sized. In her view, enterprises need to actively respond to macroeconomic trends from the corporate strategy, its own positioning, the track and the characteristics and development stage of the enterprise,

in order to maintain sustainable growth and competitiveness, and constantly respond to changes in market consumption. In the speech "Building a Digital Business System: A New model for Brand Omnichannel business growth",

Yu Junrui, president of Baozun E-commerce, saw the trend of e-commerce and omnichannel from the perspective of Baozun, and discussed the characteristics of Baozun and how to help brands solve the current challenges in the case of omnichannel e-commerce.

He stressed that with the changes of The Times, dangers and opportunities coexist. Balance the layout of online and offline, further increase the investment in data, and increase profits.

In addition, the Baozun team summarized the methodology of the i-MORE framework, It stands for Dynamic Merchandising, Connected Omni-channel, Reliable Supply-chain and Unified Experience,

respectively. At the same time, coupled with the perfect combination of people and technology, team operation and technical capabilities, really help the brand to improve efficiency. &nbsp>

Focus on core consumers and merchants

Antang, general manager of business growth of Tmall Division of Taotan Group, mentioned in the speech of "New quality empowerment, building growth together" that "the most mainstream consumer groups are currently in Tmall, which is the cornerstone of brand growth."

Tmall's three core focus strategies: focus on core consumers, focus on core brand merchants, and return to business growth through a back-to-back mechanism with the ecology."

To this end, Tmall launched the "Joint TMall-Partner Growth Program" (referred to as JTGP), Tmall and service providers to strengthen cooperation at the strategic level, open more business capabilities, rights,

through integrated marketing, resource sharing and technology complementarization. Improve service quality, reduce costs, and enhance market competitiveness to achieve a win-win situation for platforms, service providers and brand merchants.

Wu Yue, head of LVMH Greater China, and Li Jian, executive director of Hypermedia Group and publisher of Bloomberg Business Group, discussed "new quality" and "tradition." Wu Yue made an in-depth exploration of the topic of "new quality productivity" from the perspective of brand and consumption.

In the face of Li Jian's question of "the watershed of the e-commerce industry and whether it enters the second half", Wu Yue said: e-commerce is accelerating change, the sales force has a great impact on consumers,

the platform is facing challenges, what way to create value, cultivate the brand, must be in line with the law of business under the circumstances of continuous young development, which is the same business logic >

How to break through the competition and differentiation

Productivity is inseparable from the production side, and the development of new markets is also moving towards a more positive track due to the power of new brands. The leader of the new brand East beast founder He Yi,

NEIWAI internal and external brand founder Liu Xiaolu, NOBADAY founder and CEO Liu Fengxi, the three jointly on the topic of "How new brands break through in competition and differentiation",

in the round table forum to discuss the development experience of their respective brands in the Internet and social media new track. In the era of rapid development of digital commerce,

how to build a more comprehensive consumption system by extending the consumption scenario, enhance the influence of the brand online and offline, increase user adhesion, and thus establish a unique brand positioning in the flood of competition. &nbsp>

Mr. Feng Lun, chairman of Yufeng Group, brought about the theme speech of "New quality productivity enables Breaking the Game: The road for enterprises to cope with challenges and realize transformation" : The embodiment of new quality productivity in different stages and different aspects brings us the growth of wealth and leisure.

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