The "flower girl" by the West Lake and the "horizontal flower Lang" Chen Yue group photo

West Lake "flower girl" popular creative planning stems from cultural confidence

Not long ago, a video of "flower girls" and "cross-stitch girls" near Hangzhou's West Lake attracted wide attention online. In the video, the "flower girl" is dressed in Song-style Hanfu,

waving a fan and carrying a basket full of lotus flowers behind her; The "Cross Hualang" was dressed up in the Tang Dynasty, carrying a pole at one end and a basket of budding lotus flowers, and an umbrella,

lantern and glove box at the other end. Together, the two walk along the West Lake with a sense of atmosphere that brings citizens and visitors to the side of Hangzhou's ancient city life and folklore. Many netizens sighed and praised, "Song Yun Hangzhou, this is the real Hangzhou!" "When a culture is confident, a city is confident."

The "flower girl" by the West Lake and the "horizontal flower Lang" Chen Yue group photo

It is understood that the "flower girl" in the video is a post-00, named Chen Yue, who is a 2022 graduate of the cultural relic conservation and restoration major of the China Academy of Art; "Cross-flower Lang" is a 95,

named Yi Qing, is a Hanfu tailor who has worked for many years. The scene in the video is actually a public welfare activity planned and launched by Chen Joy in the graduation season, where she interacts with a green passerby and presents lotus flowers to wish good luck.

"The reason why I want to do this public welfare activity, at the beginning I saw the old grandfather selling lotus, I thought there would be such a salesman by the West Lake thousands of years ago."

If the image of the salesman enters the modern city again, it will be very interesting." Recreating the beauty of life in the four dynasties of the Song Dynasty and wearing Hanfu into daily life can make the public fall in love with traditional Chinese clothing, which is also a form of cultural confidence, Chen said.

Chen is a veteran Hanfu enthusiast. Out of his love for traditional culture, after graduating from college, he often used his spare time to learn relevant knowledge, read cultural books,

plan and shoot videos in national style, and began to reproduce ancient painting scenes. During the university, she has created "Bao Luo Pearl Maya decorative florist", "Qingshan Shadow", "Four good scenery" and other boutique videos, which have accumulated millions of views.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Wu and Zhou dance women formed Chen Yue

After graduation, Chen turned her hobby into a career, focusing on video and graphic creation of traditional Hanfu, cultural customs and other content. "Twelve Hours in Lin 'an" reproduces the lively scene of the Qixi Festival in the Song Dynasty,

and the video was viewed more than 1 million times on the day it was released. "Twelve Hours in Gusu" tells the Mid-Autumn Festival custom in the Jiangnan area during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty,

looking back at the moonlight more than 400 years ago from the long river of history. "From researching the materials, writing the script, making props and costumes,

to contacting the shooting site, my team members and I devoted ourselves to every detail, and strive to present the most authentic and perfect work in front of everyone." "Chen Yue said.

Chen Le and Yi green in de Shou palace with zongzi for Chen Le truth-seeking

In addition to "sending flowers to the West Lake", Chen and his partners also planned many public welfare activities related to traditional culture, such as changing zongzi in Deshou Palace,

the ruins of the Southern Song Dynasty imperial city, and selling lotus flowers in Xianghu Lake. Exquisite props, retro costumes, and unique character designs are integrated with the surrounding architectural landscape,

bringing beautiful enjoyment to the traveling citizens and tourists, bringing more popularity to the local tourist attractions, and showing more traditional cultural innovations to the public.

Chen's creative planning comes from her love for traditional culture and strong cultural confidence. Nowadays, more and more young people like Chen and Yiqing understand and love China's excellent traditional culture, and hope to express traditional culture in new forms and interpret the core of culture with new ideas.

The experience of cooking tea around the stove and ordering "seven soup" tea has become a new favorite of society. New Chinese bouquets of lotus and lotus roots wrapped in ink paper are popular among young people.

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