Fast fashion is taking over wheat city

"Without a high degree of cultural confidence, there can be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Hao Weimin is well aware that, as an industry with strong cultural attributes, culture is an important content of the construction of clothing power and an important part of national cultural construction.

At present, it is a new era of the rise of Chinese culture and cultural confidence, and the fashion Week personal conference is also a part of the cultural rise, especially the fashion works with the inspiration of Chinese cultural elements, which will be a good window for the dissemination and development of Chinese culture.

Thanks to years of artistic and cultural influences, Hao Weimin, a designer, is able to integrate different cultural and conceptual elements into modern fashion, and create a perfect combination of classical beauty and modern fashion through unrestrained creativity.

The creation of poetry and painting runs through his life, and also integrates into his clothing design creation. He used poetry and painting to inject fresh and moving vitality into clothing.

Each poem, each painting, as if to tell a charming moment, a moving story, a strong thread of thoughts, to his good at gorgeous evening wear to give an extraordinary charm.

We often say: "What is China, is the world." Let the ancient culture into the modern life, into the world context, in the forefront of fashion to show the beauty of national culture, who will refuse?

Studying at China Textile University (Donghua University), I embarked on my dream journey of clothing art. He went to Singapore to start his career as a designer.
In 2005, he became the chief designer of Lasais Paris, a French fashion women's clothing brand

Founded the independent designer label "David Sylvia" (Deswell).

He is currently a member of the Fashion Art Committee of China Fashion Designers Association, a director of Shenzhen Designers Association and a director of Shenzhen Textile Industry Association.

He has won the 24th China Fashion Awards "China's Top Ten Fashion Designers", "Fashion Original Design Award", "Best Original Designer", "Shenzhen Top Ten Fashion Designers", "China's Fashion Outstanding Popular Fashion Designers", "2017 Top Ten Original Designers" and other awards.Fast fashion clothing brands closed store after store "new and fast" model development setbacks

Fashion has always been like a gust of wind transit, between going and staying, there is no set. With high-end design and civilian prices, the main "new and fast" fast fashion has been very popular,

and has become a vane for countless Chinese women to touch and catch up with the trend in the past decade. However, with the iteration of fashion rivers and lakes, following foreign fast fashion brands such as Topshop,

ASOS and New Look, recently, Forever 21 also lost the Chinese market, and the self-proclaimed "China's ZARA" domestic clothing giant La Chapelle has recently fallen into huge losses and large-scale store closure embarrassment.

Fast fashion "only fast not broken" trick seems to have failed, some analysts believe that after years of fast food clothing consumption, consumers are now focused on quality, refinement and personality. How to capture the main group of clothing consumption after 90, it is worth studying for clothing brands.

Clothing brands are under pressure

"It's been a very tough year for apparel brands." A person in charge of a department store in Guangzhou told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter: "This year many brands are facing performance pressure,

inventory pressure are very large, early years are mainly affected by the impact of electricity suppliers, this year in addition to the impact of electricity suppliers, more test is the internal performance of enterprises."

Taking Guangzhou Friendship shopping Mall as an example, in the "big promotion" in previous years, clothing brands rarely have a strong promotion, and many brands have joined the ranks of 3-5 discount to snatch customers this year.

2018 will be an important watershed. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from 2012 to 2017, China's clothing retail has maintained a steady growth trend, and the total retail sales of clothing in 2017 reached a historical high of 1.45 trillion yuan. In 2018, that figure fell back to 1.37 trillion yuan.

Fast fashion is taking over wheat city

Yangcheng Evening News reporter noted that fast fashion Newlook and TOPSHOP have withdrawn from the Chinese market in 2018. Some time ago, the same lost in the Chinese market Forever 21, is also a fast fashion route, a variety of goods, cheap prices, the main customer group is 20 or 30 years old urban crowd, there are new products listed every month.

But it's not just international fast-fashion brands that have suffered in China. Domestic clothing giant La Chapelle frantically closed more than 2,400 offline stores in the first half of this year,

and the 2019 half-year performance pre-loss announcement released at the end of July is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the half year of 2019 of -440 million yuan to -540 million yuan,

down about 286.6% to 329.0% from the first half of 2018. Recently, La Chapelle also announced that, in fact, the proportion of the controller's shareholding pledge is close to 100%, and it has constituted a breach of contract, which is commonly known as the pledge explosion.

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