Sneakers do give you a relaxed vibe

And these "fashionable" is more than a dozen minutes of shopping malls hit shoes, popular sometimes is not always a good thing.

If we want to say, there are so many people wearing small white shoes on the street, and the good ones are still those few.

In the final analysis, to put the shoes to look good on the personal style, and the style looks simple two words, in fact, knowledge is not small, before you do not understand it, we recommend that you wear shoes first do: good proportion.

First show you how to wear good proportions with sneakers

  1. Waistline is especially important when shoes don't make you taller

Wrong demonstration: Layering makes the waist line disappear, and the shoes can not make up for the overall height and line sense at this time, not only your body "submerged" in the clothing, your aura is the same.

False demonstration: If you replace your sneakers with high heels, there is no problem with wearing them. However, once a long coat with a long skirt meets flat shoes, it becomes a "height Xiaoxiao le", and the center of gravity is too close to the bottom, and the temperament can not be raised.

Change to high-waisted jeans immediately look good, high-waisted let you fight for a part of the leg length from the upper body, even wearing sneakers can also increase the visual height of 3cm.

A brighter color may make it more noticeable, especially if you wear wide-leg pants that maximize the effect of a high waist.

Those big sweaters in the closet have the same high-waisted effect as long as the front is tucked into the waistband.

  1. Ankles -- a battleground

In addition to the untouchable "temperament," fashion has some rote rules, such as showing your ankles.

The ankle is like the collarbone, visible fat and thin, so as long as you see the slender ankle will produce the feeling of "thin legs", which is why it is easy to show fat without exposing the ankle.

A little bit of ankle exposure, a little bit of waist line, will wear two worlds.

  1. Pants and sneakers of the same color = Elongate your legs

Wrong demonstration: Such trouser legs turn up or pants with exaggerated decoration style, it is easy to destroy the overall sense of fluency, cumbersome and short.

Sneakers in the same color as the bottom can create a sense of visual extension and look smooth whether you show your ankles or not.

  1. Outerwear can be the difference between height, height, and weight. It can be shorter or slimmer

The more this kind of coat comes with its own thickness, the more it is not recommended that you buy extra long or Oversize.

Coat with sneakers you should be no stranger, the key to success or failure is the length of the coat, cover also to cover smart, full cover is not flattering.

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