Consolidate four responsibilities and improve the level of scientific and precise prevention and control

Different cities have different realistic conditions and choose different balance points, but good policies must have temperature, respect people, demonstrate responsibility and wisdom, and their implementation must not be rigid, mechanical, or even bureaucratic.

The epidemic is not the beginning of a long winter, but a "reverse spring cold". When we are fully prepared in terms of vaccine protection, treatment capacity, and medical resources,

we have reason to expect the arrival of the real spring. The nightingales are long, the grass is long, the mountain flowers are in full bloom - the fight against the epidemic is meant to make life better.

Scientific and precise prevention and control, and resolutely win the battle against the epidemic

"We must always put people and lives first, and adhere to scientific, precise and dynamic zeroing to contain the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible."
On March 17, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting to analyze the COVID-19 situation and make arrangements for strict epidemic prevention and control.

"We have a deep understanding of the severity and complexity of the epidemic situation, scientific and precise prevention and control, and resolutely win the battle against the epidemic."

Consolidate four responsibilities and improve the level of scientific and precise prevention and control

At present, the international epidemic is still at a high level, and the domestic epidemic is characterized by multiple locations, wide coverage and frequent occurrence. Some cities and prefectures in our province have reported cases detected by people entering Hunan from other provinces, and the risk of import and spread of the epidemic continues to exist.

"The province's health system should resolutely overcome paralyzing thoughts, war-weariness and relaxation, step up research and judgment of the epidemic situation, and do a good job of epidemic prevention and control with the spirit of waiting for no time."

Li Xiaosong, secretary of the Party Group and director of the Provincial Health Commission, said that it is necessary to organically combine normal precision prevention and control with local emergency response, strengthen investigation and control,

adhere to the "early, small and basic", and ensure the efficient operation of the epidemic prevention and control system; Accelerate the reform of the disease control system, improve the disease control network,

management system and operation mechanism, improve the functional positioning of disease control agencies at the provincial, city and county levels, promote the construction of intelligent multi-point trigger monitoring and early warning platforms for infectious diseases,

comprehensively improve the core capabilities of disease control agencies such as early warning, flow detection, rapid identification and tracing of pathogens, and build a strong public health safety protection network.

"Strictly implement relevant measures to protect the safety of residents." On March 17, Furong District of Changsha City designated the epidemic prevention and control area,

control area, and prevention area, and Wang Manling, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Fengquan Gujing Community of Dingwangtai Street, devoted her time to nucleic acid testing.

We will further strengthen personnel screening and control, control of key places, disinfection of inbound cold chain food and goods, designated isolation control of inbound personnel, supervision and inspection,

and fully implement the work of "preventing import" to protect people's life and health to the maximum extent." Zheng Jianxin, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor of Changsha, said that the city's epidemic control should be stricter and tighter,

and the epidemic prevention measures should be more concrete and detailed, and further strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, "three-yard joint inspection" and one meter line, and strengthen the monitoring of key groups.

"Press the chain of responsibility more firmly, and do our best to protect social stability and the peace of the people!" Liu Zhiren, secretary of the Xiangtan Municipal Party Committee, said that Xiangtan will further consolidate the four responsibilities,

insist on who is responsible for the region, strictly implement the responsibility of party and government territorial management, and consolidate the responsibility to the community (village); Adhere to the management industry must control the prevention and control,

and do a good job of epidemic prevention and control in the industry; We urge government agencies, enterprises and institutions to take the lead in implementing epidemic prevention and control measures such as not eating meals,

wearing masks, and not going out unless necessary. We will strengthen publicity and guidance, comprehensively raise public awareness and capacity of epidemic prevention and control, and win the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control with caution.

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