Turn on the sleep switch to ensure sleep

Two simple ways to do this are to take a bath or soak your feet 90 minutes before going to bed.

In this way, when falling asleep, the body temperature and body surface temperature can just reach a balance, and falling asleep will be easier.

Let's see what the traps are. Okay?

If you want to fall asleep as soon as possible, you should take the initiative to "close" your phone or computer in a corner away from the bed or bedroom to let your brain empty.

In addition, strenuous exercise and eating should not be arranged within two hours before going to bed.

Sleep Mistake # 1: Counting sheep

When I was young, if I couldn't sleep, my parents would say, You count sheep!

But does counting sheep really help you sleep?

In fact, this method refers to counting sheep in English, because the pronunciation of "sheep" is relatively simple, you have to hold your breath when you say it, which can induce sleep.

But "counting sheep" has no scientific basis for reference.

Therefore, even if it is something that has been circulating for a long time, when you know the reasons behind why it is effective, you will find that many practices are not practical.

Sleep mistake # 2: Drinking before bed

Sleeping through alcohol has a very similar principle to taking sleeping pills.

Although alcohol has a hypnotic and relaxing effect, alcohol has a diuretic effect, so you will wake up in the middle of the night because you want to go to the bathroom, which will hinder deep sleep.

Drinking too much alcohol, while sleeping, may also appear choking danger.

Sleep Myth # 3: Take melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland of the brain, and its production is affected by light. For example, during the day, when the light is strong, our eyes receive light stimulation and send the signal to the pineal gland, which suppresses the secretion of melatonin.

At night, the pineal gland secretes a lot of melatonin, and the amount of melatonin secreted during the night will be 5 to 10 times higher than during the day.

The main function of melatonin is to help fall asleep after the increase of secretion at night, shorten the time to fall asleep and maintain the whole sleep at night, and reduce the wake time during our sleep.

It is a hormone secreted by the body itself, and under normal circumstances, it does not need to be supplemented.

The exogenous melatonin that we can buy is actually a health supplement that is only suitable for certain groups of people, such as shift workers, jet-lagged business travelers, the elderly, and patients who sleep until the early morning or dawn. However, the specific use method should also be used with caution according to the individual situation.

Using a good sleep switch and staying away from sleep misunderstandings can allow us to enter sleep more healthily.

Maybe when we sleep well and value sleep, we will find that we don't need to sacrifice sleep for work. On the contrary, sleep can be the best accelerator of work.

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