Voice protection through science

As the saying goes, "We hear the voice before we see the person." Everyone has their own voice, which can be said to be our second face, which reflects our inner world. But in life, we often do not take good care of our voice, frequent voice, hoarse exhaustion often occurs, and the situation of dry throat itching does not cause us to pay attention to.

So, what exactly is a scientific voice? How can we make our voices sound better?

[Scientific voice] to solve the problem from the source

Usually, when there is a problem with the vocal cords, the laryngologist will advise the patient to learn to speak scientifically.

There are many people who wonder why some people talk for a while and then their throat becomes dry, itchy and sore, or even completely hoarse, while others can talk for a whole day without feeling tired.

This is because people who use voices turn their vocalizations into efficient cooperation between various parts of the body, rather than a localized effort by one person in the throat. Why do some people's voices sound good without effort, and some people's voices come out of the throat. People often mistakenly think that this is the difference between congenital conditions, in fact, the acquired vocal habits have a greater impact.

Especially for the professional voice group such as teachers, we must maintain the correct voice and voice practice habits. Through the training of breath to obtain a better sound engine, through the training of the mouth has a more clear enunciation, no need to shout, the sound can be very concentrated and penetrating to the ear of the listener.

Two daily exercises to protect your throat

We recommend using the following two tips to relax and massage the vocal cords. As a good aid to mastering the basics of scientific voice use, they can make the use of vocal cords more efficient.

  1. Bubble sound

Bubble sound is a very classic way to protect the voice, is a secret that all professional sound practitioners are proficient in, simple to operate and is not limited by time and space.

Breathe in, mouth open, ready to pronounce the single vowel "a" state, and then use a slight airflow to reach our larynx to vibrate the vocal cords, producing a lower, intermittent, bubble-like sound. When making bubble sound, the body should relax, the state of the larynx and vocal cords should remain relatively stable and consistent, the breath should be stable, the size of the bubble should be consistent and uniform, and the more obvious the particle feeling, the better.

Do not hold your breath, if there is no air halfway, or feel the bubble sound is obviously out of shape, just need to breathe freely, and then do it.

This exercise relaxes and massages the vocal chords, and it acts as a warm-up before intense exercise, allowing the muscles to better adapt to the intense work ahead.

After a lot of use of the voice, the voice is too tight, you can also make a bubble sound, so that our vocal cords relax, relieve fatigue, eliminate some impurities in the vocal cords. In between classes, you can also play a dozen closed vocal bubbles. The closed bubble sound is the same as the open bubble sound, only it changes from "a" to "um".

In addition, the sound bubble can also test whether our vocal cords are in a relaxed state, if you can not make the sound bubble, or the sound bubble is not as relaxed as in the demonstration, but it is held in and tight, it means that the vocal cords are tense.

If the beginner can not make the bubble sound, you can try to gently make a bass "A", and then gradually reduce the volume, reduce the tone, to the lowest place there will be a bubble sound; Or try voicing when we wake up in the morning, when our vocal chords are

The most relaxed, it's easier to bubble.

  1. Hum
    Humming is also a great exercise to relax the throat and better help us find the right vocal state. How should we pronounce this sound?

The extended sound of "um" is issued by closing the mouth, the body is relaxed and the mood is happy, although it is a closed accent, but the inside of the mouth should still have a state of "mouth cover lifted like a dome", just like holding half saliva, the breath is continuous, stable, and has a sense of extension, as if the sound is pushed far away with the breath, causing the vibration of the internal and surrounding air of the body.

When you make this sound, you will feel a noticeable vibration on the bridge of your nose, and you will also feel a little resonance in your chest. Both body and voice are relaxed. This exercise not only relaxes the throat, but also is a good test of whether you have achieved the "active at both ends, relaxed in the middle", because only when the breath is deep, the mouth (inside) is open, and the throat is relaxed, can you make such a spatial sound. With the state of humming to lead their own voice, such as slowly open the mouth to issue an accent, and then transition to some text practice, you can consolidate the correct way of sound through it.

Secondly, based on science, voice is actually a systemic movement, and professional voice users should ensure that they have a healthy body and a healthy diet. The following good lifestyle habits are used to supplement the most important "scientific voice", which can put your vocal cord health into a virtuous circle.

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