Hoarse voice how to recover quickly

Hoarse voice, first of all, you can use cold white fungus dip some edible vinegar to eat, you can ease; Secondly, you can eat some celery salad for relief; In addition, you can also drink some strong tea to ease; Then, you can also use external wind oil in the place to avoid the mouth relief; Finally, a hoarseness can be alleviated by applying a cold compress to the neck.

In real life, if the habit of using the voice is not good, or there are some bad habits, or there are some bad eating habits, it may lead to hoarseness of the patient, which has brought great mental distress to the patient.

So, how to recover from a hoarse voice?

  1. White fungus salad
    You can clean the white fungus and then bubble, tear into small pieces, add a small amount of edible salt, a small amount of vinegar to eat.

  2. Celery salad
    You can wash the celery first, then cut it into small pieces, and add it to the wrong cold.

  3. Drink strong tea
    You can first use boiling water to pour tea into a large cup of strong tea water, and drink it often after cooling.

  4. Wind oil essence
    You may wish to put the towel with wind oil on the nose nose mouth, do deep breathing, can relieve.

  5. Apply a cold compress to your neck
    Use a towel dipped in cold water to apply to the area of the front throat for about 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day.

Care for hoarse voice

1, first of all, patients should pay attention to must adhere to outdoor activities, in order to enhance the body's resistance, to avoid the occurrence of throat diseases.

2, secondly, patients should pay attention to develop a good health habits, keep the throat clean. No smoking, drinking, throat irritation.

3, finally, if the patient's throat appears hoarse and pain, can not make a sound, can use hot fumigation therapy. In the place of steam, big mouth breathing, can effectively relieve throat discomfort.

Hoarse voice, this situation is usually considered because the vocal cords appear congestion is more serious and caused by fatigue induced, for some people engaged in related occupations, hoarse voice, is very painful.

In fact, we may wish to start with the daily health care of the throat.

First of all, it is necessary to drink more water at ordinary times. You can also drink water at the same time to add health care products that clear the throat and moisten the throat, the effect will be better.

In addition, remember that spicy, stimulating food, not only easily lead to fire, the harm to the throat is also very great.

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