Elderly should be alert to coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease, short for coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, is one of the most common and harmful cardiovascular diseases.

It is a common and frequently-occurring disease in middle-aged and elderly people. Among the people who die of sudden death every year in China, sudden cardiac death accounts for 75%, and coronary heart disease is the first.

Experts say the main symptoms of coronary heart disease are shortness of breath in the chest, accompanied by radioactive pain, such as left shoulder pain, arm pain, and even stomach pain, toothache. Severe angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.

Many patients are mainly short of chest tightness, for the elderly, a short of chest tightness, do not simply attributed to age, but also consider whether there are heart problems, it is recommended to go to the hospital cardiovascular clinic for diagnosis.

The main characteristic of angina is heart pain.

As long as there is unexplained chest tightness, chest pain, heart socket or heart abdominal discomfort, or there are symptoms of chest discomfort after activity, should be considered whether there may be coronary angina pectoris.

General chest tightness and chest pain caused by coronary heart disease can radiate to the shoulder, mandible, left arm and back.

The nature of pain can be dull pain, tenderness and knife-like pain, pain often dare not move, serious can be accompanied by sweating; The pain usually lasts a few seconds.

A more serious condition is a heart attack, where the pain lasts for a long time. In general, if there is no relief for more than 30 minutes, there may be a myocardial infarction.

In this case, the patient may take some oral quick-acting relief pills or nitroglycerin, and the most important thing is to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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For the "favor" members concerned about this problem, experts said that patients and patients' families should learn to press acupoints when the situation is critical.

Including the Neiguan point of 3 transverse fingers up from the wrist stripe, the Shanzhong point of the middle point of the chest two nipples, and the Jiquan point in the axillary groove, etc., are likely to snatch life from the hands of "death".

Coronary heart disease is a lifestyle disease, its onset, treatment, disease control, rehabilitation and so on are closely related to lifestyle. The "three highs", including hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia, are risk factors for coronary heart disease.

Usually, patients should pay attention to a balanced diet, rest on time, such as a good nap, sunrise, sunset, to avoid staying up late to the heart burden. At the same time, do not do heavy work, let alone take excessive exercise, for elderly patients, walk for 15 minutes each time.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer are the three biggest death factors, including coronary heart disease, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are mainly caused by unhealthy living habits, unscientific diet.

Therefore, from the perspective of service, elderly care institutions adopt the concept of independence, support and intervention.

"Independence" means that the elderly can choose their daily activities and meals independently; When in trouble, there will be help from elderly care workers, which is "support".

The "intervention" refers to changing the old and unscientific eating habits and living habits of the elderly, such as smoking, partial eating or irregular work and rest, and guiding them to a healthy lifestyle.

This intervention is not an absolute prohibition, but the elderly will be reminded and constantly urged to improve their diet, sleep and exercise habits, and over time, the body will change.

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