The list of "Health Innovation Practice Cases of 2023" is announced

Innovation is a fundamental condition for economic progress and a key factor in shaping the competitiveness of companies and countries. In the field of health care, innovation is contributing to sustained improvements in life expectancy and quality of life, and making a significant contribution to economic growth. In recent years, with the rapid development of the health industry, innovation has become the key to the development of the industry. Whether it is medical technology, health management, medical equipment or pharmaceutical research and development, it is necessary to constantly innovate in order to adapt to the changing market needs and people's needs for health.

On December 3, the 2023 Healthy Future Forum hosted by was held in Boao, Hainan. With the theme of "Enabling Innovation in Healthy China", more than 100 guests including government leaders, well-known experts and scholars, and well-known entrepreneurs gathered together to explore innovation and practice in the field of health, and contribute to promoting the development of health industry and the construction of healthy China. At the same time, the "2023 Health Innovation Practice Case" was released, aiming to discover and excavate enterprises with excellent innovation achievements in the field of medical health, promote the sharing and exchange of relevant practice cases, and contribute to the construction of healthy China.

Under the witness of experts, scholars, industry leaders and the audience, after fierce competition and strict screening, 10 enterprises were finally selected as the "2023 Health Innovation Practice Cases", which covered many fields such as pharmaceutical research and development, health management, fund investment, health preservation, pharmaceutical technology, and so on, showing the results of diversified innovation in the field of medical health.

In 2024, the collection of "Health Innovation Practice Cases" of Xinhuanet is continuing, and the activity will not only build a platform for exchanges and cooperation in innovation practice in the medical and health field, but also bring new inspiration and thinking to the whole industry, and contribute more strength and wisdom to the construction of healthy China.

Gaoji Health

The "Community emergency Station" project jointly built by Gaoji Health and Tencent SSV was officially launched in 2023. The project aims to give full play to their advantages in the field of platform resources and pharmacy network, fill the gap between community first aid and 120 first aid, and improve the emergency response ability of the community at the grassroots level. "Community emergency station" plan to build a number of service stations with community emergency capacity, in addition to equipped with AED equipment, first aid medicine box, but also community science center and family medicine box service center and other health service functions. During the year, the first batch of "community emergency stations" will land 32 model stores in Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing and Shanghai. In the future, the two companies will promote more "small stations" to land nationwide.


While actively building its own research and development strength, Medtronic helps the innovation and development of the entire industry through investment funds. The Medtronic China Fund is one of the representative initiatives of the company's long-term commitment to local innovation. The Medtronic China Fund was established in 2016 to focus on several diseases that have a significant impact on public health in China, as well as their clinical solutions. These innovative technologies or products often have a huge market prospect in the clinic or address an unfulfilled need. The first phase of Medtronic's China fund has invested in 10 Chinese startups in areas such as surgical robotics, digital applications and day surgery. On April 25, 2023, Medtronic announced the launch of a new venture capital fund focused on the Chinese market - Medtronic China II Fund.

Bidi Medical

Since entering China, Bidi Medical has delivered hundreds of thousands of innovative products, continuously witnessed and helped patients iterate and upgrade clinical panoramic diagnosis and treatment methods, and participated in and promoted the construction of healthy China and the rapid economic development. From a small indwelling needle in the ward, to the sophisticated instruments in the operating room, to the highly efficient smart pharmacy, when you casually walk into a hospital in Shanghai, you may encounter the innovative products of Biti Medical. As a localized multinational medical technology company deeply rooted in the Chinese market, Bidi Medical fully understands that the complex interweaving of challenges and opportunities in the localization process will reshape the future of China's medical industry, and has carried out a series of localized innovation strategic layout to help China's biomedical and high-end medical devices and other innovative development transformation and upgrading.

Dong 'e e-Jiao

Dong 'e Ejiao and Nai Xue Tea jointly launched ejiao milk tea, so that health and health into the daily life of young people, to achieve the category of ejiao broken circle, brand circle. Dong-e-e-jiao × Naixue tea, a strong functional tonic, and a strong emotional drink, the collision of time-honored brands and new tea drinks is a typical case of traditional Chinese medicine time-honored brands constantly innovating service methods to meet the changing market demand and meet the needs of more people for health.

Hong Kong Aoxing Group

Hong Kong Aoxing Group is a high-tech pharmaceutical engineering solution provider, has been promoting the progress of the industry for more than 30 years as its own responsibility, and has a deep understanding of the pharmaceutical industry regulations and processes. Integrating high-quality global resources, we are committed to providing customers with one-stop high-quality services of process equipment, regulatory consultation, and engineering construction, helping customers improve the efficiency of pharmaceutical processes and operations, helping global drug safety and effectiveness, protecting and improving human health. For example, to promote the application of continuous manufacturing technology in China, translated and published the "Continuous Manufacturing of Solid Preparations" industry monograph; Under the ecological support of Aoxing REMOIIS, a continuous manufacturing experimental platform has been developed and built, which can realize the one-key switch of direct pressure, dry method and wet method, meet the collinear use of three tablet production processes, and the technical level is synchronized with Europe and the United States.

Bayer China

Bayer (China) Co., Ltd. is actively engaged in the field of biomedical innovation, hoping to provide breakthrough innovative treatment solutions for patients through the cell and gene therapy platform. Bayer is strengthening its internal capabilities while leveraging external partnerships and acquisitions to have a broad range of applications across therapeutic fields. For example, in 2019, Bayer acquired BlueRock to enter the field of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) therapy; In China, through close communication and cooperation with government agencies, local partners and scientific research institutions, Bayer jointly promotes cutting-edge innovation in the field of cell and gene therapy, accelerates the industrial transformation of scientific research results, and benefits Chinese patients as soon as possible.

Jimin Trust Group

Adhering to the innovation-driven strategic policy, Jimin Credible Group is committed to integrating the world's top pharmaceutical technology, accelerating the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading. Jimin Credible Group has built a world-class innovative pharmaceutical 5G+ smart factory to achieve digital management in the core links, laying a solid foundation for enterprises to lean production and intelligent management, and effectively helping enterprises to reduce costs, improve quality and increase efficiency. In addition, the Jinshui Bao capsule and other large varieties of proprietary Chinese medicine with reference to the international advanced pharmaceutical concept, advanced information technology, automation technology and intelligent manufacturing technology and traditional Chinese medicine technology integration, integration and innovation of a series of industrial software, complete sets of industrial equipment, built six intelligent manufacturing demonstration production lines. With the help of technological process upgrading and digital transformation, Jimin Trusted Group continues to improve the industrialization capability of innovative drugs in research and development, and is committed to allowing more high-quality Chinese drugs to enter the global market.

Sanofi China

Sanofi has always combined corporate expertise to provide innovative medicines and solutions for patients, while integrating health education into corporate actions, focusing on the health needs of the public in urban and rural communities, and mobilizing employees to participate. Over the years, Sanofi has continued to support the improvement of public health, focusing on the two directions of "health accessibility" and "healthy environment", launching brand projects such as "Love Season" volunteer program and "Public Welfare Day" volunteer service, taking employee participation as the starting point, advocating education as the means, through health knowledge popularization, health facilities donation, healthy environment advocacy and other forms. To provide services for urban and rural children and groups in need of care, help them improve their health literacy, improve the health environment, actively promote the popularization of health knowledge, build a healthy growth environment for children, and continue to improve the health literacy of the whole people.

Glaxosmithkline China

Glaxosmithkline has topped the Global Access to Medicines Index for the eighth consecutive year. In recent years, GSK has launched nearly 20 innovative vaccines and medicines in China. Work with partners to accelerate the introduction of innovative products in the medical pioneer zone; Over the next 3 years, more than 5 new products/indications will be introduced in China. At the same time, GSK continues to increase investment in China, the China research and development center and the national business operations center to form a joint force, a comprehensive upgrade of GSK China headquarters.

Roche Pharmaceuticals China

With a focus on pioneering therapies in ophthalmology, Roche Pharmaceuticals strives to discover and develop innovative solutions that redefine the standard of care for patients suffering from visual impairment. The world's first bifocal antibody for ophthalmic injection by Roche Pharmaceutical in China, Pharizumab relies on a new mechanism of action to reduce the number of intravitreal injections and provide a new treatment option for patients with fundus diseases. At the same time, Roche Pharmaceutical China gathers its strength to create an innovative, cooperative and diversified local medical and health ecosystem to help implement the National Eye Health Plan of the 14th Five-Year Plan.

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