A new engine of economic transformation -- looking into the development of China's future health industry

Based on the relevant network survey shows that China's largest health industrial structure is still the pharmaceutical industry based on the production and marketing of drugs, medical devices and medical consumables. In 2016, the scale of China's pharmaceutical industry has reached 2,806.2 billion yuan, accounting for 50%;

Second, the medical industry with medical service institutions as the main body;

Third, the health care industry, in 2016, the scale of the health care industry has reached 1,852.5 billion yuan, accounting for 33%;

The fourth is health food, health products as the main production and marketing of health products industry;

The fifth is the health management service industry with health detection and evaluation, consulting service, conditioning and rehabilitation, and security promotion as the main body.

According to the 2017 China Unicorn List: A total of 164 companies in China were listed on the unicorn list, with a total valuation of $628.4 billion and an average valuation of $3.83 billion, of which 14 companies belonging to the large health industry were listed. They are Ping An Good Doctor, Lianying Medical, Fuhong Hanlin, Kexin Meide, Sanpower International Medical, Micro Medical Group, Spring Rain Doctor, Yaomingming Code, Lanka Health, Anhan, Xinda Biopharmaceutical, Nowo Zhiyuan, Carbon Cloud Intelligence and 360 Health.

The highest valuation on the list is $5.4 billion.

Remarkable achievements, rapid growth.

However, in general, the scale of China's health industry is still small at this stage, and there is still a certain gap with developed countries.

Relevant surveys show that in absolute terms, the health industry in the United States has reached about 2.99 trillion US dollars in 2015, accounting for 16.7% of the total GDP of the year (about 17.94 trillion US dollars), while in 2016, the scale of China's large health industry was only about 5,607.3 billion yuan (860 billion US dollars). It accounted for 7.5% of China's total GDP in 2016 (74.41 trillion yuan).

Although China has become the world's second largest economy, the scale of the health industry is only about 1/4 of that of the United States.

Even in Asia, in 2015, the scale of health in Asia and other regions reached about 2.2 billion US dollars, while according to relevant statistics, China's scale of health in the same period was about 750 billion US dollars, although in absolute terms, accounting for about 1/3 of the proportion of Asia, but considering the huge size of China's overall economy, In fact, the scale of the big health industry is actually a low level in Asia.

And all these just show that the great health industry will become a great source of power to drive the economic development of our country in the future.

Of course, the industrial base situation is different, these weaknesses are also temporary situation, although the current proportion is relatively low, but the future will steadily improve, China must be a big health industry power!

According to China Securities Network news, on December 7, 2019, the "2019 China Family Health Conference" with the theme of "Healthy China, Healthy Family" was held in Beijing.

Ma Ningwei, deputy general manager and director of health division of Xinhuanet Production and Economy Center, said at the meeting: "Policy is the first driving force for industrial development, the release of 'healthy China action' to guide the development of the industry, accelerate the establishment of new forms of business in the industrial layout, sales channels and other parts, and fully realize industrial upgrading."

For example, food enterprises, to produce safe and high-quality, low sugar, salt, low oil healthy food, so that each family eat peace of mind;

Pharmaceutical enterprises develop and produce effective new drugs, so that patients can use peace of mind;

Physical examination institutions should design effective physical examination programs to prevent diseases from happening.

It goes without saying that the release of "healthy China Action" has brought a new main line for the layout of China's future health industry, the atmosphere of "government guidance, the focus of the whole society, and the participation of the whole people" will certainly make China's future health industry appear a new format pattern, the health industry will follow the trend, constantly optimize, strong catch up, and boost the realization of the grand goal of healthy China!

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