Not to blame. Sinwar said the massacre was a dress rehearsal

Earlier, Hamas's top leader Ismail Haniyeh, who is hiding in Qatar, said on October 7 that they had no knowledge of the Israeli massacre and that it was all done by people below, trying to dump the blame on "temporary workers."

But the speech by Hamas's military leader, Mr. Sinwar, who is still in Gaza, was a tell-all.

Hamas's top military commander, Ahmed Sinwar, issued a statement yesterday, calling the October 7 attack a dress rehearsal and calling on Hamas to attack Israelis indiscriminately.

This is Sinwar's first statement since October 7. In this sense, the indiscriminate attack on October 7th was directed by him, not by Hamas fighters, as Mr Haniyeh has previously claimed.

For now, Sinwar remains trapped in a tunnel in Gaza, and the Israelis do not intend to shoot him, but to take him into custody for questioning.

Of course, if Sinwar is captured again, his chances of getting out alive may be gone, because he has spent years in Israeli prisons, and it was the Israelis who rescued him from death when he became seriously ill and freed him in a hostage swap.

The man who survived the death continues to bite the hand that feeds him, commanding the massacre and kidnapping of Israelis and citizens of other countries in the world, including our Chinese compatriots, do you think it is still possible to release him?

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