When the leaders of China and the United States meet, the Chinese side immediately arranges a table match between China and Russia, and Russia is not enough to thank China

Russia thanked China and Russia for the "table of appreciation" after the US-China meeting

Recently, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov revealed an important news, he said that after the conclusion of the meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States, China and Russia carried out a timely "table". The Russian side is very grateful for this "response form". The so-called "table" means that the two sides communicate and exchange with each other from their own perspectives. At the China-Us meeting, according to the Chinese briefing, we discussed with the US a series of international hotspot issues, including the Palestinian-Israeli situation and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to US information, Biden also communicated with the Chinese side on the issue of military cooperation between Russia and the DPRK. These issues are closely related to Russia's interests and are a priority for Russia. If we only discuss with the United States and not with Russia, there may be a sense of mistrust on the Russian side. Therefore, timely communication is necessary to eliminate the sense of distrust that may exist.

In the framework of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, a high level of information sharing is very important for the two sides to maintain a high level of trust. Therefore, the news that the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister revealed to the outside world that China and Russia were "on the table" also has a certain "bragging" component: China and Russia were "on the table", while other countries did not have such treatment. However, we must also point out that in the past period of time, Russia has not done a very good job in the "table" work, and many key issues have not been communicated with China in a timely manner, such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Before the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and

Ukraine, Russia did not disclose any information to China or give advance notice, which is a fact that Putin himself admitted last October. In early February last year, Putin visited China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and just three weeks after signing a series of bilateral agreements with China, Russia launched a "special military operation" against Ukraine. As for Putin, he may believe that the Russian military can defeat the Ukrainian army in a short time, the international impact will not be too great, so there is no need to communicate with China in advance; Or perhaps Putin has decided on a military solution to the problem, does not want to hear any talk of a "peaceful solution," and therefore chooses not to inform China in advance. For whatever reason, Russia did not communicate with China in a timely manner, which is inexplicable. Moreover, judging from the results, the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has far exceeded Russia's initial expectations, escalating from a regional crisis to an international and global crisis. Regardless of China's position, if Russia had notified China in advance, China could at least have made more preparations in advance to deal with possible shocks.

However, after the failure of the front line and the comprehensive sanctions of the West, Russia has now realized the importance of timely communication with China. On June 24 this year, after the outbreak of the "Wagner incident", Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko visited China and met with his Chinese counterpart. Although the Foreign Ministry announcement made only a brief mention of the exchange of views, the timing and context of the visit provided a clear indication of the issues discussed. For China, the internal stability of Russia is the most important thing, especially the stability of the power center. A visual example is the joint statement signed by the heads of state of China and Russia in Moscow in March this year on the development plan of China-Russia economic cooperation, which has a deadline of 2030. Why 2030? Quite simply, if President Putin wins next year's

election, he will remain in office until 2030. Therefore, a stable Russian leadership is very important for the continuation of long-term cooperation between China and Russia. The long-term cooperation between China and Russia can only be sustained if Putin can retain power in the Kremlin and control Russia's destiny, and without too many surprises. In the next six years, we can use this time to complete our strategic layout within Eurasia.

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