As soon as China gave a lifeline, Argentina denied it, and the new president came to power to halt cooperation with China

A major change has recently taken place on the Argentine political scene. Milay, known as the "Argentine Trump" of the far-right, with nearly 56% of the vote in Argentina's general election, won the new president. As soon as he took office, the new president announced a series of radical policy shifts, most notably his approach to China.

During the campaign, Milley was sharply critical of Argentina's China policy. He likened China to an "assassin" and advocated severing all ties with China. This policy stance was quickly translated into practical action after Millay took office. He announced the abolition of the central bank, advocated the use of the U.S. dollar, and vowed to overhaul Argentina's diplomatic and trade relations with China.

This series of policy declarations of Millay triggered wide attention and discussion at home and abroad. On the one hand, Millay's supporters see it as an important step toward Argentina's independence from its economic woes. Critics, on the other hand, point out that Argentina's close relationship with China is an important support for its economic stability. The serious economic problems Argentina faces, such as a foreign debt of $300 billion and foreign exchange reserves of just over $30 billion, make cooperation with China all the more important. As a result, Millay's policies may pose considerable risks and challenges for Argentina.

In this context, Milley's rise to power and his policy shift have undoubtedly become a topic worth exploring in depth. In the following articles, we will take a more detailed look at Milley's campaign, his policy proposals, and their possible impact on Argentina's internal and Afghan-Chinese relations.

Milley's campaign was acrimonious and controversial. With his tough stance and outspoken style, he won the hearts of many supporters. In his campaign speeches, Milley has repeatedly stressed the need for fundamental reforms to wean Argentina off its dependence on foreign countries, especially China. Once in office, he promised to take a series of steps to reshape Argentina's international standing and economic policy.

However, Millay's policy propositions are not without controversy. The economic and trade relationship between Argentina and China has been an important pillar of Argentina's economic stability. China is not only an important trading partner of Argentina, but also provides financial and technical support in many fields. These cooperation projects involve infrastructure construction, energy development and other fields, and have played a key role in Argentina's economic development.

Economically, the situation in Argentina is not good. The country faces high foreign debt and limited foreign exchange reserves, weak economic foundation, and high dependence on foreign trade and investment. In this context, Milley's proposal to break diplomatic ties with China and change economic policy, while showing his independent will, has also raised concerns about Argentina's economic prospects.

Shortly after Millay took office, he announced a major decision: Argentina would stop using the yuan for settlement and switch to the US dollar. The decision immediately drew widespread attention. On the one hand, it was seen as a symbolic move to make a clean break with China; On the other hand, there are also concerns that the decision will have a negative impact on Argentina's foreign exchange reserves and international trade.

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